My 21st b-day is this Friday....?!


My 21st b-day is this Friday....?

What would a good limit a 130 pound girl drink if its my first time? I'm 5'1...I'm going to stay away from hard liquor, I'm just staying home with some friends so we will probably just have a case of beer....??

High five 21! My favorite year for sure! You are right to stay away from the hard liquor, the last thing you need is a trip to the hospital with alcohol poisoning. When you take shots, you risk the possibility of drinking faster than you know what is good for you. If you have no experience start the night off slow, you can pick it up later once you feel you have got your bearings. Stick with beer if you can, there is plenty of time to mix in the hard stuff in the days to come. You will probably need more than a case will probably be able to hold atleast 6-8 by yourself and you will be peeing a lot LOL!. Have a good time and make sure everyone sleep on their stomachs. Good luck to you!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I would say 2 if you're having beer and you should nurse those all night long. 1 will still get you plenty drunk at your size. I'm glad you plan to stay home... no driving! At your size, 1 drink will get you over the legal limit as well. When you go out in the future, have a drink but make sure someone else has the keys!

only like 3....u dont wanna become an alcholic on ur 21st birthaday..

i wouldnt start out drinking beer because it will give you a hell of a hang over if you've never drank it before. honestly. start off with smirnoff drinks or a wine cooler...then just drink until you think you've had enough. when you start feeling a little bit of the effect, then stop because it will get set in more as time goes on.

We are about the same size, so I would have to say no more than 2 drinks and hour if you don't want to get too silly. If your aiming for total stupidity, drink what you want, but be careful, alcohol poisoning can be deadly.

Happy Birthday! Be smart and don't drive!
After that, just have fun. IF you drink too much you are not going to stop yourself at whatever limit you make for yourself. Just try to eat something before the partying starts and pace yourself.
Just have fun!! And enjoy your birthday

3-4 beers will keep you fine. 5-6 will have you drunk and feeling no pain. 7 you will probably barf. 8 barf then pass out...drink the first fast to catch a buzz...then sip the 3-4 more throughout the night to stay buzzed but not over do games will make you over do it. Be safe and have fun.

Depends on the pts of the beer I suppose, I guess your asking what is your limit on how many you should drink? I dunno, if you mean how many to drink and still be able to drive 0 is a good limit even a lil will get you in trbl if you drive. After so many beers or liquor you still start to feel a lil dizzy, then your startin to feel the effects or being drunk, drink more and you will slur or maybe forget things you said, you wont be able to walk, drink more and the world will get to spinning maybe and you feel very sleepy then you drink more and pass out and wake up in the morning with stuff drawn on your face or with someone you dont want to be with

wel i gess it depends on waht you plane to drink i would say like 2 glasses of wine or 4 wine coolers or 4-6 beers but dont get drunk its your party you dont want to miss it

Happy Birthday!!!

I agree with the above poster that said to hold off on beer and go with the Smirnoff, Hard Cider or Twisted Tea type drinks. Beer is an acquired taste and some people don't like it. Three to four of these type drinks over the course of a few hours should be enough to get you well buzzed.

Also - don't start off with cheap beer. If you are going to go with beer, go with a micro brew. Let your first experience with beer be a good one.

Maybe a good thought would be to get a variety of six-packs to try. Some Smirnoffs, some Hard Cider, some Tea, and some beer. (A good starting beer would be Blue Moon. It's not too bitter and has a good taste - and should be available whever you are. Sam Adams is also a nice choice.)

One last comment - remember the golden rule: "Liquor before beer - never fear. Beer before liquor - never been sicker!" Once you start drinking beer, don't go back to drinking mixed drinks, Smirnoff's, wine or anything else. Or you will be worshiping the porcelain god later on that night!

Oh - and to help prevent a hangover drink plenty of water before you go to bed. Alcohol dehydrates your body.

Well, I would say a couple of things. Firstly make sure you have a good meal either just before, or with the drinks as it will reduce the speed with which you affected.
Secondly make sure that what you are drinking is of good quality, it will taste better and is less likely to give you a hangover. Personally I find that one or two pints of beer is enough to get me to tipsy, but it varies from person to person.
Don't drink if you feel uncomfortable, nauseous, or simply don't want to drink anymore. And it helps if you have someone who you know is responsible around.
Hope this helps.

I would suggest a "girly beer", like Corona, or Coors or Busch if you feel like being cheap. They dont taste as bad.

I'm about 120, 5'5, and I got wasted off of four the first time I drank. Basically, if you want to play it safe but still get a little drunk, only have one every half hour. And please, girl, stop before five. You dont want your first experience to be a bad one.

Have a fantastic birthday!

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