What should the drinking age be?!


What should the drinking age be?

in your opinion, should the drinking age be lowered, raised, or kept the same,and please give a reason for your answer

Mate, it should be 20 at the youngest.
The problem with 18 is that time and time again I see 18 year olds who are not responsible with alcohol. (OK some older folks are the same but not in such large numbers.)
This is because the "consequence" part of the brain is not fully developed until the late teens or early twenties.

It should be raised to 25! People are still kids and immature at the age of 21.

18, if you can die for our country you should be able to get a beer and have a smoke!

I agree with Robyn...drinking age should be 18!!!

18. The majority of students do it anyway if they aren't 21.

Raised. We need responsible adults that can control there drinking

I totaly agree with Robyn here. If you are old enough to fight and die for your country, and given the responsibilty to vote for leaders of your country, then you should be able to make the decision to purchase alcohol as well.

I agree that 18 is a good age since you can do anything else.On the other side I grew up in a country without drinking age and honestly none of my friends abused alcohol as kids.It was there,available so we didn't even think about it

In this day and age - even 21 may seem low, considering how much responsibility...But, truthfully i think that even a 16 year old can and should drink. Otherwise, he s gonna discover the brew later in his life anyhow. Alcohol should be a normal part of peoples life, not some kind of perverted twisted fun.

21... remember how you drank like an idiot when you were 18-19? Causes car wrecks, unwanted pregnancies, and you puke alot when you don't understand control. Most college age kids seem to think they should drink themselves silly every chance they get.

I think it should be raised to age 30. I also think smoking age should be raised to this, as well. Voting age raised to 30, too.
Age of getting a drivers license 30.

Reason. Most of the young adults I see, today, do not have any concept of what the word responsibility means. They take none for themselves or their actions. Sure many are college educated, but I question the validity of any knowledge they gained.
For example, my neighbors have a 21 year old son. He has been fired from every job, kicked out of college, and been
in trouble with the law because of alcohol and drugs. BTW,
his girlfriend is pregnant and living with his parents, as well.
A friend of mine has a daughter who is 18. She dropped out of high school because she got pregnant. Now she lives with her parents and works part time at a fast food joint. She
has very little to do with her child, letting her parents raise it,
while she goes out drinking and partying after work.

18 No question. If you are old enough to Vote, Die for your Country, Smoke, Enter Contractual Obligations own your own, Work as long as you want, and buy Porn then you should also be able to drink. Anything else is just stupid. There is no way you can tell me that I should be able to die for my country but not have a drink of wine/beer/liquor.

18... for the same reason as most people... because people are allowed to go into the armed forces, vote, and smoke so why shouldn't they be able to drink. In most counties around the world it is 18 so why not the US. After speaking to some people in Australia, where the drinking age is 18, they told me that they don't have a major problem with the drinking age being only 18. And most of the population is doing it anyways.


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