Where could I find an Italian Wine named Bolitzio?!

Question: We had this wine a few weeks ago in a small restaurant in the backs streets of Pisa. It was probably one of the best wines we've tasted; full bodied, very smooth, soft fruity flavours etc. It doesn't appear on any normal searches, has anyone else tried it or seen it?

Answers: We had this wine a few weeks ago in a small restaurant in the backs streets of Pisa. It was probably one of the best wines we've tasted; full bodied, very smooth, soft fruity flavours etc. It doesn't appear on any normal searches, has anyone else tried it or seen it?

There are three possibilities here. The first is that you had a few too many and haven't remembered the name quiet correctly. I am sure that that is not likely (well I am desperate for points) so go for the others. The wine was local and is just not exported to the UK / USA or is exported under an entirely different name. I drink a lot of wine and I have checked every database that I can think of and Bolitzio does not appear on any of them.

have you tried oddbins

Are you sure of the spelling? The nearest I have found is the Polizzi vintners in Argentina.

Are you sure you don't mean Poliziano? It's an easy mistake to make after a couple of glasses. It's one of the stars of vino nobile di Montepulciano (not to be confused with Montepulciano which is a grape variety)

I think you may find that this wine is not exported, which happens with a lot of wines. Find a wine club (Laithwaites is a good one) who generally have access to more specialist wines that are not sold in supermarkets or off licences and they may be able to help, but be prepared to be dissapointed. You'll just have to go back to Pisa, ask the restauranteur who his supplier is and order a few cases. As a suggestion, Laithwaites sell a full bodied smooth red called il Bombero which is superb; also an Aussie red which is my favourite called 'Willy Willy'; not the most inspiring of names I grant you but the wine is excellent. Good luck.

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