Tips on bartending?!


Tips on bartending?

Well My job is offering me a position in bartending, and I have been wanting to do it for the longest time. But I have little to know skill in the trade. My Manager said Im perfect for it because Im a "People friendly, party animal" exact words....

Just looking for some tips on how to pick up the trade fast and run with it? What are some problems I can expect at the start, and what are some of the best ways to get those killer tips?

get a bar bible a must
i knew my regular clients names
their drinks

depending on your bar and manager made popular shots and gave tasting shot...killer tips on that one

read people's body language not everyone wants to chat all the time, even the regulars will have moody days

read the newspapers, watch CNN and so on, conversations will always be even and everyone at the bar can chip in and be chatty about it

prompt service, dont get side tracked

the small stuff, have a lighter, light their cigarettes, ask how they want their drink, you'll never look silly, some may want refill in same glass, if your out of something dont tell em, find substitute eg if out of absolut give greygoose, trsut me they'll never know. Its your tips that count, people can get real upset about running out of their devoted drink and they never know the difference

i could go on and on

lastly kill em with kindness

bartender six years in sassy Miami joint, made great money.

Be aware of what is going on around you at all times. It is easy to get caught up in a conversation with a patron and forget their are others at the end of the bar or some people just walked in. You do need good people skills because many people especially those who come in alone usually like good conversation with their drinks. I haven't bartended but I have worked in bars for a while and work with the bartenders so I kind of pick up on it. Also you want to be quick. Believe it or not just be able to do math quickly. Just remember 4 shots of Tequilla at 3.50 is 14 bucks. Also one thing my boss told one of the bar tenders is try to give change in ones as much as possible like if you have a drink for 4 dollars and the guy gives you a twenty give him back a ten and 6 ones instead of a ten, five and a single one. It will give the patron a better opportunity to give you a nicer tip. Enjoy.

bartending is about personality and usually partially a stand up act depending on what kind of place you work at

i bartended for years at clubs and restaurant bars and little was different because there are good people and bad people that come in, you need to read them and act accordingly. at the restaurant i remembered the regulars drinks and had them waiting at "their" seat when i saw them in the entry way. i usually made the first one stiff because that is the one they remember and most of my regulars gave me 30% or more.
at the club it is about speed. get as many drinks out as fast as you can and when someone tips you well it is because they expect to be noticed next time... so notice them. if some tips bad then let them sit at the bar and rot.

also most people like to be entertained so give them s*** if they deserve it and give them s*** if they dont. i got some of my best tips from people right after i took there drink away and drank it in front of them and told them it was because there were being retarded and then laughed at them (of course this has to be done the right way or you get fired)

if you are a party animal i am sure you have been to a bar, what do you like/dislike when you go to a bar

Brush up on the popular drinks, buy a bartender's manual for emergencies, I even made myself a binder of popular drinks. Ones are a good idea for change, people like leaving ones and change. Be polite, congenial, and plaster a smile on your face no matter how rude people are. And you will get rude ones. Know when to have to ask someone to leave or take their keys and offer to call a cab. And keep the bar spotless and stocked. If your garnish tray is running out, it gives you something to do while people drink so you don't look bored. And pay attention to people whose drinks are almost out or are flagging you down. Always use a new napkin. Make sure everything is garnished right. Think of you would like to be treated at a bar.

Good luck, it's a fun job! I made over $600 one night in tips!

well i have drink en in a bar many times, and i always liked it that the bartender remembered my name, and said hello bob, when i walked in,.....

Well, much like marriage, bartending isn't an exact science.
First off, always check when people order vodka drinks or bourbon drinks if they want a lime in it. There shouldn't be one in your bourbon and with a good vodka, you don't need it's NFL - NO F*****G LIME.

Be friendly and you should do fine. BTW, what type of place are you bartendering in?

There's a ton to learn, but I'll give you a quick 3 tips to start.
1) Know who to take care of, just because someone's high maintenance does not mean they will tip well. People who are your regulars should be the priority, build a relationship. People who pay cash for each round tend to not tip as well.
2) Don't panic! Most people understand when you're busy.
3) Have fun, joke with your guests, learn some cool drinks, make up some of your own, people want and tip originality more than anything!

Learn some popular drinks, learn prices for most things. Remember the regulars' names and drinks.

Remember something about the regulars. I bartend, and am new at the place I'm at now. I sat down after work to get a drink, and the bartender pointed out to two other girls who were there alone that all 3 of us were divorced. It gave us something to talk about, and they wanted to stay and drink longer. That is good, because then you aren't forced to make conversation with someone who is there alone. That's a random trick, but a good one.

Personality will forgive a million mistakes! Smile a lot! Don't worry about memorizing random drink recipes. If someone wants something really random or weird, they will know what goes in it. You can figure out the measurements.

Ask your fellow bartenders to introduce you to the regulars. If the regulars like you, you're in!

Memorize the top 12 drinks your job serves, the others you can learn later. It would be handy if you looked up the major liquors, or beers if that is what you serve most, and see what they are made of and which is best. You should also pay attention to who your regulars are, they will be your major income so you need to remember them and what they like to drink. And last but not least you should know what things taste like. Not only for the knowledge of what to suggest to people but also for quality control;) Good Luck to you!

Those are all good answers, but here are a couple of things that will keep you from looking like a rookie:
"Grab your lady by the waist, your bottle by the neck", this means always grab and pour the bottle by the neck. Always use two hands if your making a drink grab the glass and the ice scoop, the bottle and the mixer, garnish and the straw, etc.
Keep a clean rag handy, polish your glasses with a linen napkin not a rag, it leaves lint. Always make sure you have a back up of every bottle handy. Good luck, you'll pick it up in no time.

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