How many of you drink/drank as teens?!

Question: just wondering. because like every teenager i know drinks.

Answers: just wondering. because like every teenager i know drinks.

Im 15 and yeah I drink and love it. It doesnt taste that good so I usually mix tequilla or vodka (sometimes both) with OJ and drink up. I will NEVER drink and drive and NEVER binge drink or anything stupid like that. Its just sort of a way to relax me and to have a little fun.

I am a Muslim, i have never drank any alchoholic drinks.

Most people do drink, it is the only way to get liquids down *?*

I drank as a teen. I dont think there is anything wrong with it if your over the age of 17-18 and do it moderatley.

I'll let you in on a little secret i have witnessed with friends of mine. If you are drinking alot and letting bys get there way with you between ages say 13-21 yeah you might be cool then but i promise guys will only know you for one thing and when you start getting older, no one will want you cause they'll know where youve been.

even if they say diferently when they're trying to sleep with you.

Just dont overdo the booze, and make bad descions

I sure did. I had my first drink at 14.

I did, especially during the last year I was at home. My mother was being unbearable and way too controling, so I used to drink... a lot. I used to even show up the school drunk, and the scary thing is, no one ever noticed, not even my mom. I still graduated with honors and everything. To this day I don't know how I did it. But the drinking stopped as soon as I left for college. I was out of my moms house and happy. So, things kind of worked out for the better you know?

Im 17 And I Drink At Least Two Cups Of Tea A Day.

Other Than That, I Drink Quite A Bit On Some Weekends, But Not Now, Cos I've Got Some Test Coming Up.

I've drank once and I'm 14. It was on New Years Eve it was just like a half of the drink it was some cheap champagne, and for me it tasted horrible. But then I tried a small sip of something else and it was okay. I mean I drank once but it wasn't to be "cool" I just wanna see what the hype about it was, and I wasn't pressured. So my mom poured me half a glass and I tried it. Personally I don't see the big deal, but that's just me, I find Cherry Pepsi a better rerfreshing drink than Alchohol. And it doesn't stink quite as much.


i drank wen i was not even really a teen i first drank when i was 11 but it was'nt much thoe!!

I did. Infact i did was a heavy alcohole inaker, but it was done all for fun with friends! But now...i don't consum alcohole at all!!!

yes i started abusing alcohol at the age off 12, im now 28 and man iv made alot off mistakes,, i still drink but really i dnt enjoy it as much. im an alcoholic,, and i need 2 stop as its starting to affect my health,,,

In high school, only wine with the folks, and maybe a wine cooler very rarely. I didn't have beer or get drunk until I was 18 and in college.

I got all my drinking out of my system as a teenager. I'm about to turn 21 now, and I don't even feel like drinking anymore.

I'm 31, and I've been drinking for more than half my life. I don't drink every day, I don't drink excessively, I don't get stupid or beligerent, I don't throw up, and I rarely get hangovers.

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