How many people acually drink 8 glasses or more of water a day?!


How many people acually drink 8 glasses or more of water a day?

It's easy when you buy it in quart bottles. I drink a quart each time I drive to and from work and more during the rest of the day. It's an easy practice to get into.


not me!

Not me but I probably drink 8 glasses of milk... maybe 4 gasses of water...

I do.. It is difficult though. I usually add the sugar free tropical punch from Crystal Light to my water. That makes it so much easier..

Summer time is easier to drink more water...

I usually drink 4 16 ounces of water a day does that equal that?

Ive been told i drink 2 much water

nope, I dont drink 8 glasses. but I do try to drink a lot of water.

I do. its all i drink. I found that if I only drink water all day long, After a few weeks of only water, you forget what the soda, coffee, iced tea, ect.. tastes like and you dont miss it. It is hard, but if you can dedicate yourself for about 27 days, to only water, it can be done. It worked for me. I say 27 days because its a approximate time to create a habit. It also depends on your urine. You want it to be clear like water, not yellow and odorfull. so if its yellow, your not drinking enough.
Best of luck.

I drink 8 or so glasses of water a day but be careful not to drink more, depending on your athletic activities of course and the amount of sweating you do, as drinking too much water can flush the nutrients from your system so make sure you mix in gatorade or something of the like to replenish nutrients and electrolytes

I do. But if I were to hazard a guess I would say at least 50%/ There are more people drinking bottled water and there is actually two glasses per bottle.

not me...2-3 glasses of water i drink everyday...

Probably not anyone. Not even the people that tell you to drink 8 glasses a day.

almost 6 billion

It's easy when I'm at my office. I keep a liter bottle at my desk and drink all day long - I usually refill it three times during the day.

When I'm not at the office, I have to remind myself to get in those eight glasses.

I try to....but I live in the desert.

I do !!!! Have to because of kidney problems. You know if you are not getting enough water from the color of your urine. It is not supposed to be that deep yellow color. If you drink enough water it will be pale yellow or even colorless.

I definately drink more then that, but my urine is still yellow and hot, seems like i still need to drink more, anyone wants to tell me why?? Im very sure i drink al least 8 or 9 glass per day.

I drink 24 glasses of water a day. But my water contains barley and hops.

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