How can i hide the smell of alcohol on my breath?!


How can i hide the smell of alcohol on my breath?

Im partyin this saturday and i dont wanna get caught when i come home. Any other tips to not get caught?

Sorry their really are none. They think there are some, but then they busted them on an episode of Mythbusters. (That was with a brethalizor) So if your parents dont have one juse have alot of ments and stuff like that.

Uh...simple, DON'T drink!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont drink. i think thats the most effective way.

you can't

Yeah, don't drink underage you moron.

Yeah here's a good tip: don't drink if you're not legal!

use those listerine strips theywork wonders they can even pass you on a breathalizer test true story

Take lots of "Frisk" breathmints... they are very strong. Take 10 at 1 time. Or as soon as you walk in, don't open your mouth and start farting a lot to cover the smell!

Take her with you.

you're not cool by drinking....just an FYI.

Mouthwash, gum, mints, binaca.

Or you could not drink. Then you don't have to worry about it. :-)

peanut butter! Works everytime.

dont drink if u do keep some mints or something with u and have a ton of them when u done drinking

Like ludacris says
"United and lighted we stand, inebriated we fall
And if you wanna pass the sobriety and breathalyzer test
Hear's a quick Luda tip, some packets of mustard in your car
Keep mustard god damn it"

grab some fast food then chew some gum, and dont breath on anyone

Don't drink.

well dont drive...but if your talking about your mom and dad well...a mint or 2.....or just drink vodka no smell to it but still use the mints and eat befor you go home.........dont drink too much or they well be able to tell you were drinking by the way you act not just the smell......what i do most of the time is i dont come home untill everyone is sleeping o say 4 or 5 am lol

I've heard penut butter works excellent for hiding alcohal breath, but never tried it out.

Man, you should probably just take some weed.

YOUR kool

simple bring along some mouthwash...OR eat chocolate on the way home...OR altoids coz they rockk..or other candy but no mints to obvious....

Had the same problem eat a pice of bread and/or goldfish and an altoid or strong gum!!!

well if you go to a party and drink then on the way home you wrap your car around a tree then no one will smell your breath

because you wont have one

Jolly Ranchers and Pelligrino...not together. And for the love of god dont drive!!!

I've heard that if you drink coffee after you drink it will cover the smell of alcohol, but who knows I was probably drunk when I heard that. Have fun!!!!!

First of all and by all means NO DRINKING AND DRIVING!I do not mean to help you in tight situations, but drink vodka!

here's some real advise:
obviously the best way is not to drink.
but if you drink vodka its hidden the best.
also brush your teeth and chew some gum.
please dont drive and make sure you dont get in the car with anyone who has been drinking, PLEASE.. seems obvious but it really isnt once your judgement is impaired. be safe.

seriously... eat peanuts or peanut butter... been there - done that.

Brush your teeth after drinking, use about 10 listerine strips, use listerine itself, floss your teeth, get a tongue cleaner to clean your tongue, check your breath after doing that and if it is not fixed, eat something like onions or tuna or chickpeas since their smells stay in your mouth for a long time.

:p and my other advice: DONT DRINK!

Absolutely no driving.

That said, and it sounds yucky, but raw potato slices help to absorb some of the alcohol on your tongue.

The alcohol that comes from your lungs is far harder to contain, smell wise, so speak quietly.

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