Does beer make the world a better place?!


Does beer make the world a better place?

if yes give an example if you can

without beer ugly people would never get laid.

nope. it's reponsible for hundreds of thousands of accidents and deaths.

Only as long as you're drinking it.

hell no

it just makes people drunk and then they drive get in accidents and kill people

It is definitely responsible for many relationships that wouldn't otherwise happen.

There's no doubt in my mind that it does!!!

Well if your drinking at home then yes because you don't have to drive to your house, but if your drinking out like a bar or a club or whateva then no of course. We already have a lot of accidents as it is.

Definitely yes. We were watching the World Cup game Brazil vs. England in a bar full of Brits (it was in the US). After Brazil scored my friend and I jumped and shouted "Gooooaaaaalllll!" and it was not very nicely seen by our fellow bar-mates. But since we were all drinking beer, they simply let us go. England prevailed 2:1 in the very end. And everybody was happy and the world ended up a bit better.

We have no way of knowing.

You and I have the luxury of clean water.

Before clean water, simply drinking water could kill you. So, seriously, they drank milk and beer, especially in the cities. Read your Dickens, they were half lit all the time!

Beer was boiled first (killed some microbes), fermented (killed a few more of the bad microbes, added a few that we can live with) and contained alcohol, which helped neutralize some of the microbes on dirty mugs.

Now? Hard to tell. A beer for most people now and again is just fine. Does it make the world a better place? On an individual level for 10 minutes it does. On a macro level? Probably not.

no. It causes families to break up, parents to desert their kids and people get killed every 6 minutes.

That's a loaded question, but yes, in my opinion. Us Americans don't have a very healthy relationship with it, but is a celebratory beverage. A bonding utensil (and no I don't mean PCU I love you man crap), an art form if done right. Anhuiser-busch and Coors alone employee tens of thousends of American citizens...I could go on

hell yea especially coorslight after work

That depends on the person drinking it. I personally appreciate it in the evening at home after a very stressful day. So it makes my world a better place. Its like the saying... do you think the world revolves around you.... Well yeah, everyone's does, and beer makes it a better place for some. (:

well it makes me happy......and coorslight is sh!t......if you think its a really good beer YOU DONT KNOW BEER!

not hardly

hell's yeas it does! a tastier beverage has yet to pass my lips..and it can ussually bring out some crazy skinny dipping in the ocean in the middle of the night in 50 degree water....but you gotta be responsible to...DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!

Not for me, but I happen to be an alcoholic.

Alcohol is responsible for tens of thousands of traffic deaths, fatal overdoses, and mass addiction. It can remove inhibitions, but the flip side is it also hurts your sense of good judgment. And if you get hooked on it it's REALLY nasty.

I honestly am frustrated with the degree of college drinking, which seems to have shot way up in the past few years, at least in Oregon. I fear that we may have a huge explosion of alcoholism in a few years once they get further hooked, because alcoholism is a progressive disease that takes a long time to fully develop (it took me four years to get to the miserable state that ultimately led me to pursue sobriety).

It works for me, a couple of glasses after work just seems to ooze the tenseness in my body away and make me want my dinner

No, but some people thinks it makes them feel better. Alcohol causes alot of trouble in soe people and they take things too far. If your a drinker monitor how much you do drink and be safe. There are some crazies out here.

Yes and no, as Homer Simpson once said: "Here's to alcohol, the cause of―and solution to―all life's problems."

Perhaps Ben Franklin said it best, "Beer is proof the God exists and he loves us." And Coors light sucks. Although, Coors Extra Gold is great.

It makes the world a much better place, Just one example it help you to deal with idiots.

Of course. I AM CANADIAN. Deposit extra.


Well considering I grew up with an alcoholic dad and now I am grown and married but dealing with a husband and alcohol I would have to say NO, I can't think of anything that beer enhances, only destroys.

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