Which Larger To Buy ?!
Answers: Friend is coming from out of Town & likes Larger Beer..So which Brand is Best never bought it before ?
M'Hubby reckons 'Carling Black Label' suits most taste.
think you mean Lager.
Corona that is the best, or any type of millers, or samuel adams
Ask your friend.
Lager is a style, and it ranges from thin watery flavorless garbage to thick dark and robust.
i always considered Foster's Lager to be a celebration type beer........
but that is my taste.....
Find a package store nearby that has a good selection, find out which local lagers they have.
I always would want to be served something I can't get at home.
Sure, Sam Adams is pretty good (I've had much better beers, mainly Ales), but you can get it anywhere. It's not special, just better than Bud/Miller/Coors/Corona.