Is there really a worm in the bottom of one of those liqor bottles? that is really gross. would you drink it?!

Question: you mean tequila then in mecico original tequila dose have a worm in it not sure if it's to be digested ? think it's supposed to add to the flavour

Answers: you mean tequila then in mecico original tequila dose have a worm in it not sure if it's to be digested ? think it's supposed to add to the flavour

Yes. There is a worm found in some bottles of Mezcal (a mexican wine made from the agave plant, which is the same plant that tequila is made from)

The worm in mezcal has absolutely no real purpose. A guy put a worm in a bottle and marketed it as though the worm was special in an attempt to sell more mezcal.

I have had the worm. There is nothing special about it. It is not hallucinogenic (as some people believe). It is just a worm.

actually its an agave worm.its only in mezcal.not tequila.mezcal is made from cactus and the cactus juice.the agave worm lives and in and eats the cactus.i guess they accidentaly put a worm in one day and someone liked so they continued to do it.ive eaten the agave worm from a bottle of mezcal before.theres no taste at it completely sterilized due to the alcohol in the mezcal.

The critter in question is the agave worm, which is actually a butterfly larva. The worms bore into the agave plant's pineapplelike heart, and quite a few get cooked up in the brew used to make mescal. Far from being grossed out, the worm is an essential component of the liquor's flavor and color.You may think mescal is about as palatable as paint remover, and the only people who are going to drink this stuff are macho lunatics, so why not take it to the max? In fairness, the worms were also said to have aphrodisiac properties, and worms and bugs are sometimes consumed in Mexico as a delicacy. (Supposedly this dates back to the Aztecs.) At any rate, the ploy worked and the worm in the bottle is now a firmly established tradition.

The genuine agave worm is a bright coral color, which fades to pink in the bottle. Some bottlers substitute a species of white worm that lives in the leaves of the agave plant. Connoisseurs complain that the white worm isn't as tasty as the red one, which to me is like complaining that your soup contains the wrong species of fly.

I actually ate the worm one night at a holiday party because i was sooo drunk and i was sick the next day, and next day, and the next day! I will never do that again for as long as i live!! LOL

If you are going to drink mezcal, you might as well eat the worm. You are already drinking the liquor in the bottle with the worm, what the hell do you think the worm will do to you that the liquid it has been floating around in is not going to do to ya?
I have had the worms on many ocaisions. There is nothing to it.

Mezcal, I have drank it and eaten the worm many times, Gives you a pretty decent buzz....

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