How can you tell when your getting drunk?!


How can you tell when your getting drunk?

or tipsy? not how you act but how does your body feel?

You'll know it. It's not exactly something you need to be on the lookout for.

Body gets a numb feeling and vision becomes blurred

When that hog you made fun of when you got to the party/bar suddenly looks like Jessica Simpson or you think you can beat up that knuckle draggin' ape that checked your I.D. when you entered the place. Everyone has to pay their dues.

My lips start to feel numb. That is usually the first thing I notice.

I personally feel very happy and guity (sp?). Sometimes I cant see that clearly either. Fun times :)

When you think you are hot......

when you can tell that you are acting.

drink a 12 pack you you will know too

I know it sounds strange but my nose itches. I tend to have high stress and anxiety levels so I usually notice a difference in my muscle tension. Too much to drink and my arms and legs start to feel jello-ey.

when i am all of a sudden surrounded by cartoon canaries and sucks when that happens dam birds

body starts feeling really relaxed and you have this buzzing sensation all over. your head can start feeling really heavy too. when you're drunk, the usual symptoms are nausea, dizziness, random sounds that are supposed to be words, occasional vomitting accompanied by a repeated phrase that never makes any sense.

my first sign is my speech slurring. then secondly comes a heat flash. and after that i really dont remember

usually i fall over, throw up and hit a policeman thats usually a sure sign im getting drunk...... oh yes and i keep hitting the kerbs driving home.

I usually drink a case of beer a day which is average for me, But when I'm really off to the races. When I can't make it to the frig I know that I'm there.

the room kind of moves when ur not moving!
u feel dizzy but i move alot so i get really dizzy
and u get kind of numb

Personally it's when I'd reach for my drink without looking at it and miss it, then I know I'm getting tipsy, or if I got off my seat to go to the bar and my high heels feel wobbly.

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