Is Vodka and Red Bull a bad idea?!

Question: Does it make you unable to sleep, palpitations, and an evil hangover?

Answers: Does it make you unable to sleep, palpitations, and an evil hangover?

Not so much a bad idea as a completely bland, conformist, trendy idea.

It's a bad idea for anyone who's not still in college though.

It's a total fratboy drink.

I love to mix the 2 together, but I read an article that says you shouldn't mix any liquor with red bull. Not good for your heart or something. But I still drink it on occasion. Although I generally prefer vodka gimlets.

Red Bull and other Taurine based drinks are EVIL.
Drink vodka with more vodka.
Mixers are for wimps.

vodka is just a bad idea period, switch to whiskey. unless your buying those pre mixed rockstar + vodka tall boys, then its ok I suppose.

yes. bt its very very very good fun!!! XD also try jack daniels n coke = god nyt XD

Lol Vodka is never a bad idea! But I like Red bull w/Jagermrister better. Far as Hangovers go, I never get them so I dont know what to tell you.

great if want a buzz but it makes it hard to get asleep. as for a hangover it depends on what u eat or if u get some water into u before going asleep .iused 2 get bad hangovers but now take tomato juice or try and eat a banana before sleeping.

This is my main drink of choice when I go out... double vodka and red bull... it does keep me awake while I'm out (which is nice, because otherwise I get tired about 11:30!) but depending on how much I drink I can usually get to sleep at the end of the night... alcohol induced sleep... ahhh. As for palpitations, never had em! Same for the evil hangover.. it's just a normal hangover! I have heard some awful things about red bull however, when consumed in large quantities.. but I've never had any problems with red bull.

the vodka counteracts the effects of the red bull, that's why it's a bad idea. vodka is a downer and red bull is high energy. not a good combination when lets say, majorly dancing, hence the palpitations. think about it...people don't normally have like 5 red bulls in a row, in a short amount of time, but throw in some vodka, and you forget you're drinking red bull, then not only are you wasted, but bouncing off of walls and your hearts racing. but in moderation shouldn't be too bad.

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