Can you overdose on alcohol?!


Can you overdose on alcohol?

if i drink a bunch of shots wut can happen and wuts a good ammount to get drunk but not get sick?

yes you can

You're apparently too young to be drinking.

Yes you can get alcohol poisoning!!

you die duhhh

Well you can overdose on alcohol, but its called alcohol poisoning. There is not set number we can tell you to stop drinking at because it depends on your size, age, and how well you can hold your liquor. If you are taking shots of something, just as a general rule of thumb, stop at 10. If you are still ok in 20 minutes you can keep going.

After about 4 shots it really starts to kick in for me lol....oh the joys of being drunk!


Of course you can. It's called alcohol poisoning. You can easily die from it if your stomach is not pumped in time.

sure can, it's called alcohol poisoning and you can die from it.
It is hard to determine how much you can drink and not get sick, because that depends on the individual person. I'm a girl, quite short and can't handle my drink at all. Takes me about 5 drinks to get drunk and 7 and I'd be on my *** chucking.

Yes you can overdose on alcohol.
Have you heard of alcohol poisoning.
It's serious so don't try it.
People also choke on their own vomit..
So its not all fun and games...even though its fun =)
Depends on what your drinking.
When your satisfied.. STOP.
Most people learn the hard way and get sick..
then you'll know what not to do.

Well it has to do a lot on your gender, your weight, and how quickly you drink the drinks.

Yes you can 'overdose' on alcohol. This results in alcohol poisoning. If severe enough, you could have to have your stomach pumped or even worse.

A good rule for not getting sick is eating before/during drinking. Afterwards, drink plenty of water and take a couple tylenol. It'll help keep you from getting a hangover.

umm.. yeah. you can die

everyone can drink a different amount

Yes, and you can also get alcohol poisoning and die. That's what happens when inexperienced drinkers binge drink, especially inexperienced drinkers, but it can happen to anyone who drinks a large amount of alcohol in a short period of time.

Forget about getting drunk. You'll feel happy after two little drinks--that's enough. Forget it all if you are not 21.

I had alcohol poisoning on Sunday from drinking to much the night before, couldnt keep any liquid or food down. I dont recommend anyone try it

Yes! You can overdose on alcohol. Do a serach on Google. There are a ton. I had a friend who overdosed on alcohol during a frat hazing. If you want to get drunk without getting sick drink 2 drinks the first hour and one drink each additional hour. Make sure that you have eaten first. Puking after drinking will make you wish you were dead!

did you know that alcohol is a type of poison?
man just has somewhat of control over it, but only some....NOT ALL MEN.
i agree with the others...if you are asking this question, please don't drink.

You can die from it. Worst case scenario

Your body will start to shut down its functions to protect itself, and you may not start back up again. So, you can go into a comma, and never see the light of day again. Be responsible, find your pace, and don't try to outdrink your buddies right off the bat.

You can totally overdose on alcohol, its called alcohol poisoning and it happens when you drink more then the liver can process at a time. It could be your metabolism and the speed at which your liver works, everyone is different and a smaller amount may affect a certain person while it could take alot more alcohol for someone else.

If your blood alcohol concentration goes over a certain level, it can be fatal.

Seriously? As everyone else has said, it's called Alcohol Poisoning! Ever heard of it? I had a friend nearly die because of it. If you don't know your limit, then you shouldn't be drinking.

Hello alcohol poisoning and a trip to the hospital to get your stomach pumped...a.k.a they shove a tube down your throat to make you puke by blowing air in your guts. Drinking fast shots is a sure way to get you there. If you are going to do it make sure you eat first, drink water, and stop before you feel like you are going to pass out...oh; and make sure you and your friends sleep on their stomachs so you don't throw up in your sleep and choke.

People die of alcohol poisoning every day. I would suggest you wait a few years before you "drink a bunch of shots". Drinking should only be done in moderation. You seem way too young and immature to moderate yourself.

Can you become retarded from reading this question?

Yes you can DIE from an overdose of alcohol. Its called a ration of alcohol to blood. Do you watch TV? Jimmy Hendrix Jim Morrisson, and Keith Moon were the three that choked on their own vomit from being to intoxicated to realize they couldn't breath. I am amazed that you could even ask such a question and not know the answer. Since when is wut not what? Where did you learn English - a cereal box? I think you are drunk now.

There is a such thing as alcohol poisoning which is basically od'ing on alcohol. I'm sure you know that if you "drink a bunch of shots" you'll end up intoxicated and there is no good amount to get drunk that is definitely not a healthy practice. When you drink any amount of alcohol you have to monitor the amount and know your body and it's tolerance level for whatever it is your drinking. PLEASE!!! Don't drink and drive!!

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, YEP ! HIC ! XCUZ ME


you can get alcohol poisoning.

Let's say if you drink 3 to 10 light or hard drinks and space how often you drink for example 5 light once a week or 10 hard a month or more then you'll be ok. I saw an alcoholic a long time ago. He was burnt out. His face was permanently red. Having a condition like that at that point drinks would have very little effect if any at all and you would not enjoy them as much if you develop such a condition as when you were in a normal condition.


Don't do it.

You can overdose on water and stroke out if you drink too much of it.

When you drink too much alcohol, the body protects you to a certain extent by making you puke. Of course, then you can asphyxiate on you own vomit.

Just don't do it. Some of us have and it's not worth trying.

yes my brother nearly died from it they had to pump his stomach i thinl its called alcohol poisioning

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