Help... alcohal too much too young still sick?!

Question: well i drank a lot of alcohal a few days ago.. like a half bottal of straight vodka.. i didnt eat with it or anything... i was my first time ever drinking like that.. afterwords i found out i should have eaten...
the next day i had a really bad hangover obviously... like vomiting and bloody bowel movments...
but its been like three days and i still dont feel right.. i am still noxious i have a headache and i am like really abnormaly moody...
is this something i should worry about or what..
and what can i do for it?

Answers: well i drank a lot of alcohal a few days ago.. like a half bottal of straight vodka.. i didnt eat with it or anything... i was my first time ever drinking like that.. afterwords i found out i should have eaten...
the next day i had a really bad hangover obviously... like vomiting and bloody bowel movments...
but its been like three days and i still dont feel right.. i am still noxious i have a headache and i am like really abnormaly moody...
is this something i should worry about or what..
and what can i do for it?

Ok, first off, drink a TON of water and eat some bananas.

Secondly, DON'T DRINK AGAIN unless you are 21, have had food in your stomach and it's only a glass of wine.

Your liver is not mature enough yet to process the alcohol levels you placed into your body. First off vodka has a high alcohol level, secondly, you being 16, your liver isn't developed to handle vodka, much less half a bottle.

The "21" age rule isn't to punish you teens, it's more or less the age that your internal organs are mature enough to handle processing alcohol out of your body. Alcohol is absorbed by your blood stream the minute it touches the inside of your mouth. So half a bottle in one night can spell danger, even to a person over the age of 21. Esp straight and not mixed with juice or other mixers.

Take vitamin b-12 and also vit. C. Drink at least 8 glasses of water for a few days with no caffine in order to re-hydrate your body and also try to eat some soft foods like bananas, mashed potatos, rice.


period..... try taking a midol and EATING SOMETHING!! Also, drink lots and lots of water!! You lost it all your poor kidneys and liver!

if you are having bloody bm's it is serious go to the dr. asap..i'm serious this is not normal.

drink your daily amount of water, take some ibeprofen and go to the doctors for the bloody bowel movements.

You can't even spell alcohol... let alone should you be drinking it!

You sound like a 9 y/o, if you really did drink, tell your parents.

Drink tons of water, more than usual. And don't drink again until you are 21. Both will help. You freaked your body out big time and probably have mild alcohol poisoning. You just need to wash it out of your system with good hydration.

Get to the doctor. NOW you could have suffered from alcohol poisoning, and damaged your kidneys. Your body is tyring to detox but may need some professional help.

Remember this experience, and NEVER EVER do it again!!!!

Ok Ash, let's help you...
First of all, you're not suffering from alcohol poisoning so scratch that. AP occurs when your BAC (Blood to Alcohol Consumption) equals 4.0. and you weren't there with only half a bottle of vodka.
For comparison sake a DUI is given with a 0.08 - 1.0 across America so poisoning is 4 times that to give perspective.
Secondly... to give you answers to your physical feelings:
Eat some greasy foods like hamburgers, hot wings, frenchfries etc. to coat your stomach.
Drink lots of water or gatorade too.
During or before all that (for immediate relief) have a beer or bloody mary.
what your body is craving is more of what you fed it the night before. A hangover is the craving of what it misses. Having a beer or 2 or a bloody mary satisfies that craving.
Make a habit of it and you'll have a problem and be asking different questions here on Yahoo a couple of years from now.
For now, these are the answers to your immediate questions.

All the best,

ALWAYS eat before you drink so that your stomach has SOMETHING to absorb the alcohol with. Otherwise your body absorbs it and things start to get hurt...ever heard of liver cancer?

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