Have you ever gotten a "buzz" on Absinthe?!


Have you ever gotten a "buzz" on Absinthe?

Yes, I had three shots one night out in a pub. I didn't feel anything, and I thought it was pretty crap.

But when I walked out of the pub and into the fresh air I fell flat on my face! It was crazy.

Everything had a trail, and the glass of the windows on the pub was moving in waves.

when i was in high school we had a foreign exchange student from germany and she came back to visit one time and brought absinthe. we were already intoxicated but the absinthe was quite the trip.

I never had real Absinthe, only the non-toxic substitute that's sold in Czech Republic. It was quite strong stuff, nevertheless... so yes, I suppose you could call it a 'buzz'

Oh yes, then dizzy, then sleepy, then nauseated....... never threw up though.... I drank the stuff straight on ice ......ugh....bad memories!

Hmm, I wonder if it was prepared correctly. You should drop a sugar cube into the absinthe until saturated. then balance the spoon across the the glass with the sugar cube in the spoon and set the cube alight. As the flame dies down lower the melted cube into the absinthe and stir. Add as much really cold water water as there is absinthe and enjoy.

No matches, then pour the water over the sugar cube in the spoon for the same effect (without the impressive nature of fire).

"I never had real Absinthe, only the non-toxic substitute that's sold in Czech Republic." Absinthe isn't any more toxic than any other alcohol. It has been blamed for such but has never actually shown that it is. So my guess, is the absinthe you have tasted would have been the 'real' absinthe you say, just maybe with less alcohol content. The only thing extra toxic about it is it's extremely high alcoholic content. Sitting at 60-70% on average (and 90% for those kids buying a certain Bulgarian product), it's sure to hurt every organ in your body.

Have I had the buzz? No. But the buzz would just be the concentrated alcohol with maybe the sugar for those choosing that path.


No flaming sugar cube, no hallucinogenic properties, no nothing, just a big ridiculous myth that is perpetuated by cheap alcohol vendors in Czech Republic who are misleading and robbing mainlly american people from hundreds of dollars. That's not absinthe.
Absinthe never was hallucinogenic, never was toxic, never was meant to be drinked with a "flaming sugar cube", all bullshit. Real, distilled absinthe is a wonderful drink because it's the most complex tasting alcoholic beverage you can have, even more than the most ellaborate red wines. Absinthe is up to 9 different plants, among them wormwood but many others like green anis, star anis, melissa, hyssop, etc, all distilled together with the finest grape alcohol in a slow, up to 18 hours extremely difficult distillation preferably in old traditional copper allembics. No one in some "basement" in the US can reproduce this, if they say they can they are lying.
The flaming sugar cube was invented by the fake "absinth" czcheck producers in the early 90's as a phoney marketing gimmick.
In it's heydays (1880's to 1910's), absinthe was drank dilluted in water, in a proportion of no less than 3 parts of water to 1 of absinthe, and those who prefered melted a sugar cube slowly pouring down ice cold water over the sugar untill it melted.
It never had opium in it, it was never even remotely hallucinogenic, all hollyodesque and commercial crap.

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