How old were you when you had your 1st drink of booze?!

Question: I'm too drunk too remember!

Answers: I'm too drunk too remember!


18 and out of high school


when I was five, I drank a sip of my dad's beer, and haven't touched it since.. I guess he taught me a valuable lesson! lol

My parents gave me a sip of beer when I was little so oficially I would say 5? But to actually have my first official drink of alcohol, 19.

17 :)

well my mom gave me some when i was like 5 a little little sip but now im 17 and i drink a little when i can but i dont like to drink its not my thing

16 or 17. It was SoCo.

My parents were very open about wine with food so I was drinking wine and water from a very young age.

6-7, my grandads a real muzzy he gave me some, been hooked on whiskey ever since, just like the taste

6yrs old,, and it's been all down hill since then..................

11 or 13

12 or 13


18. Rum and coke in a bar in Aruba. I had been the president of the Students Without Drugs club in high school, went to anti-drug and anti-alcohol conventions... what a waste!

Now I live the HIGH LIFE.

technically i was 7, dad gave me a drink of the 40 lol, but first time i really drank and got buzzed, 15



i used to drink my dad's beer when i was 2- does that count?? plus my family is from Germany so alcohol is no big deal- but really starting to drink drink? 15

right after highschool @ the ripe age of 18.

1st tasted beer/or wine when I was like 6 but 1st time I actually go drunk was 16.

I was 14 with a 18 year old boyfriend who had a taste for Southern Comfort. Ive loved the stuff straight ever sience. Even if i dont love him anymore.


first time drunk 16
first time compleatly trashed, one week before my 17 b-day

15 and it was vodka and techilla
soo much fun


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