Isn't it great being drunk?!

Question: My girlfriend has gone to bed, my dogs are playing and I am talking to lovely people on answers.No serious chirrosis(?) of the liver answers, please. Do you know what? I might have one more!

Answers: My girlfriend has gone to bed, my dogs are playing and I am talking to lovely people on answers.No serious chirrosis(?) of the liver answers, please. Do you know what? I might have one more!

I my past and earlier years I drank. Then I found out what makes you "drunk."

Alcohol makes the red blood cells stick together. In the tiny blood corpuscles of your organs, mainly the eyes and BRAIN, only one cell can pass through them at a time. When this coagulated bunch of red blood cells try to pass through these tiny corpuscles, they get plugged. This cuts off the oxygen to the BRAIN! Destroying brain cells. Destroying eye, liver, kidney, etc... cells too! It's the same sensation as drowning.

Have you ever noticed an alcoholic having problems with motor control of his body? Or inability to speak properly? Or loss of nerve feelings in their hands or feet? This is when they are sober!!!! They have destroyed so many cells their body cannot function.

My wife works at a nursing home. She is a RN, and is totally devastated by the young people that are there because of drug and alcohol abuse.

So go ahead and have a drink. Remember my tax dollars will support you when you can't work, or injure, Mame, or kill someone in your drinking enjoyment. Maybe you will end up in a nursing home too. My tax dollars will pay for that too!

So brag if you like about being drunk. I would expect that from someone of your mentality. Maybe you should tie a few concrete blocks to your feet and jump in the river. It's a lot cheaper for both of us.


yup lush :)


hell yeah!

I love being drunk. But not on a Monday night like you.

Ha ha ha ha roll on saturday night, its my turn then.

My husband says Yes.

Did you wonder why your girlfriend has gone to bed without YOU?

Hey web, what is chocolate mushroom?? I have heard of blue tequila, but not chocolate mushroom. Thanks

dont know!

Yes,I have just had a guzzel of my Yates white wine.From my pint pot with a cycle bell on it,so my wife knows when I need a refill.

Yerp,, =]

The amount of vodka i drank at the weekend is why i am not sleeping.

Go ahead

i just opened 1 aswell

but it will be the last one

for an hour or so

don't forget to drink lots of water too!

i`ll drink to that,,,,:)

As long as you stay in control, or else the morning after is no good

it would be great tonight. you'll feel wonderful and drunk. it's like on top of the world. but remember your world will be crumbling down tomorrow. you're going to get a a big headache. just don't forget after you get drunk you'll get a hangover tomorrow.

Well, tonight is not the night for me, but I had a great time at the Martini Bar Friday night! :)

Get some chocolate mushroom too

It's ok....I say ok since I have a bad habit of badmouthing muppets in pubs apparently quite loudly when I think I'm whispering.....there's usually a good reason mind like last Halloween a gimp in a Dracula costume was blocking the exit out of the pub by kneeling in the door way and an elderly couple was trying to pass him but couldn't, and he just stayed there with no consideration so I whispered (talked loudly apparently) "look at that twat...look at him....stupid bloody gimp should move out the way".

I also tend to giggle at awesomely stupid beards and whisper "look at his beard"....luckily I haven't been confronted yet.


(That's supposed to be a 'Yup' and a burp)


I'm raising my 4th glass of wine to you, as I speak the words of our forefathers (and that guy at that party): "Here's to the breezes that blows through the treeses and liftes the skirts above the girls' kneeses and showes the spot that teases, pleases, and spreads diseases."

That my friend is the reason why I start to drink as soon as I wake up....

so what Monday is now the new Saturday dam i need 2 get with the times

yeah... unless you drink so much you pass out.

try tell my missus that, just got in and she aint happy.

ask a glass of water

Yess, but not in the morning

yes i love being drunk

Ooohh yessss!!

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