Signs/symptoms before i get drunk?!

Question: hi there....i don't drink beer/wine on a regular basis.....and i have never got drunk before....maybe thats because i only drink a small portion....however, i want to know whether there is any signs / symptoms before i get drunk?e.g something which i can feel....i dun wanna get drunk and result in a bad behavior....

Answers: hi there....i don't drink beer/wine on a regular basis.....and i have never got drunk before....maybe thats because i only drink a small portion....however, i want to know whether there is any signs / symptoms before i get drunk?e.g something which i can feel....i dun wanna get drunk and result in a bad behavior....

think of it as a reallie fast headache... thats when you know you definitely drank TOO much... when you feel yourself starting to peel off layers in a cold environment... body temperature starts to rise and then your inhibitions lower... you start to talk about things you normally wouldnt talk about... in public or even to someone you JUST met five minutes ago.

eye hand coordinations seems a little harder and conversations become lengthier but youre like who cares....

just dont drink TOO much or even mix your drinks you know beer and wine and hard liquor w shots... YUK!

when you get home drink LOTS of water and pop tylenol youll wake up the next day feelin fabulous wanting to do it all over again...

thats if you do it right

have fun!

u turn in to a dumb dumb and don't care

One thing is you start to get a little warm. Another thing is if you slur your speach or if you feel a sort of physical lightness. Drink safely!

You should drink in a moderate controlled manner. No beer bongs and slammers. Puking and hangovers are no fun. When you start to feel a buzz, stop drinking for a bit so the alcohol can leave your system.

There are three kind of drunks:

Happy drunk: The ones who don't shut up and all they do is talk talk talk, and PARTYYYYY! Wohoo! Which are usually fun drunks!

Violent drunks: The ones who wanna beat everyone up for looking at them weird and they always looking for a fight. Which are usually bad drunks.

"I Can't stop drinking" drunks: They drink and drink and drink they don't talk they don't walk they just stand as close to the bar cause they can't stop drinking.

Mostly likely since you don't drink to much if you have more and more everytime it will take u less to get drunk... first sign your starting to get drunk... your words don't come out right, you stutter alot. Second sign is you start to feel dizzy but you know your alright you know you can get in your car and drive but you know your messed up. 3rd thing that happens... you can't taste the alcohol and you can't stop cause your having to much fun... thats when you know its time to cool it... cause the 4th thing that happens is you black out... and then who knows what happens... You don't want to be the person who went home with Johnny Ugly last night... Hope this helped!

Happy Drinking!

LOL you must be kidding.. One sip of alcohol and you are already altering the mind and the way it reacts to your normal non toxic self. If your worried about bad behaviour then you have a long way to go,cuz just thinking that you may have a bad behaviour is a sign that you already do and your just in denial. As far as signs or symptoms go - try tieng yourself up and drink till you cant take anymore. that will be the stages of starting with a sip and working up to a glass+ bottle. Then again maybe your a caffeine addict? or yum yumms

if you start to become lightheaded and have to go to the bathroom a couple of times to pee, then you're pretty much tipsy at that point. stop drinking then.

i'd advise you to start light if you want to drink, and drink only when and if you want, don't get pressured into drinking. i myself am only a social drinker, so i just drink a couple of bottles of beer at most. then i stop. for hard drinks, i drink a few shots of tequila then when i start feeling lightheaded, i stop.

well, until like 3 months ago, when I turned 21, I never drank much either. So, now that I've been drinking practically every weekend and stuff, i've noticed a few things...

1. i start to get really dizzy. (for me its not like a VERY bad dizzy... just like... as your staring at your comp screen reading this, you comp screen would be off focus and kinda rocking from one side to the other. hmm idk if i explained that well)
2. my neck, down my shoulders, and into my arms get a very relaxed feeling
3. i get really happy/giggly/flirty/fun and tend to kinda just say whats on my mind
4. i have to pee, literally, every 20 minutes lol

thats what ive noticed about myself. hope thats helps

lol just dont try to over do it just drink a couple here a couple there not chuggin them back untill the case is gone

If you keep forgetting the subject your talking about, but keep talking anyway you are headed to drunkenness.

Those you are with will notcice it before you do.

hi neen, when you are seeing too many beautiful people around you, meaning you are on the way to be drunk. :)

or if you are forgetting which one is your glass, already!
or if you dont remember where the rest room is, and you have been there many times!

when you keep agreeing to your friends on what business proposals they are trying for you to join!

when your sports team is losing the game, and you still having fun!

that you cannot thumbs up at Y!A to appreciate people taking time to answer your question, and sharing fun here with you.

so neen, drink water in between of alcoholic drinks. make sure to eat first before drinking. and drink very moderately like you are already doing.

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