Whats the dif between heavy drinking and being an alcoholic?!


Whats the dif between heavy drinking and being an alcoholic?

Big Difference - a heavy drinker might not drink very much (once a week or more or less), but when they do drink, they drink so much that they get out of control.

An alcoholic wants to drink all the time. It is what they live for. Everything revolves around their somehow drinking most nights of the week. Alcoholics can not stop themselves from drinking.

alcololics go to meetings

If you're a heavy drinker on some days but can go days at a time without drinking and not crave it, you're not an alcoholic. But if you constantly crave it and give in to it, then you're an alcohol.

um..well being an alcobholic means you're addicted, and that you can't leave without it. but drinking means that you do it sometimes, like on special occasions.

Not much in my opinion.

As a daughter of an alcoholic I can tell you that an alcoholic does not necessarily drink every day, you can be an alcoholic if you only drink once a year, but if when you drink that one, you can't stop drinking more, you are an alcoholic.

it's the same thing if it's done on a regular basis

ummmm...gah thats a tough one.....ummm...... its the same thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!DUH

If you are a heavy drinker you just drink often, if you are an alcoholic than you have alcoholism. Alcoholism can be characterized by an obsession of the mind and a physical compulsion. In other words every time you start drinking it is hard to stop, but before you start you think it will be different this time. Take it from me, I am an alcoholic. If you think you are an alcoholic, I would encourage you to try attending an AA meeting for more information. They are anonymous, there is no obligation or dues or fees and you can find them in your phone book under alcoholics anonymous. Whether or not you are an alcoholic is for you to decide, but do your self a favor and arm yourself with the facts.

heavy drinking is when you drink a lot and normally pass out in bars or clubs or on the street and alcoholic means you cant stay without alcohol and you drink first thing in the morning or drink to try to resolve problems which obviously come worse.

Clinically speaking the difference is that an alchoholic has a physical dependancy on alchohol. A person that drinks heavily because they want to is technically not an alchoholic... yet. Alchoholism can be developed by overindulgince. If they go through any withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to not drink then they are most definately an alchoholic.

Withdrawal symptoms include getting shakes or sweats, nausea, severe reacuring headaches, increased blood pressure, halucinations, and delirium tremens.

The symptoms of delirium tremens or DT include profound confusion, disorientation, hallucinations, hyperactivity, and extreme cardiovascular disturbances.

Grand mal seizures, heart attacks and stroke can occur during the DT's.

They are the same. Someone who drinks heavily (even if it is only once or twice a year) would be considered a binge drinker, which is considered an alcoholic.

Well since bot my parents was and died alcoholics I can tell you the honest difference since I drink and I'm not an alcoholic even though a friend once accused me of this.

If you can not go without drinking every day until your toasted! I mean drunk off your @ss I'm not talking about every time you hand out with someone or go out to eat you drink I'm talking about you walk through the door when you get off every day and you hit the bottle until your drunk!

If you can not go without drinking "which I can" you would definitely be an alcoholic

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