Favorite low-cal alocoholic beverages?!
Favorite low-cal alocoholic beverages?
Does anyone have a recipe for a low-cal, low-sugar summer drink? I like to have a drink by the pool, but hate to think of all the calories I am consuming!
Rum and Diet Rite. Because Diet Rite comes in so many flavors, you can change it up and find the one that you like best! ;)
All I drink is Guinness, but I don't think it's considered low-carb. They say the best is to mix or use diet cola's or drinks. Also, there are a few light (lite) beers to try like Mic Ultra.
Whisky and diet coke. Cheers!
Bacardi & Diet Coke......
Yagermeister (?) and Red Bull (Yagerbombs). Bacardi and Coke Zero.