Whats your best hangover cure please? Thanks?!


Whats your best hangover cure please? Thanks?

If you have a headake, take 2 motrin and drink LOTS of water. (like 6 glasses)
If its the stomac you need grease. Go to McDonalds.

It helps to drink some water right before you go to sleep.



Lots of water, Gatorade and chicken noodle soup ! Luck to you! And don't forget the Tylenol!!!!!!!!

Drink lots of water (the main cause of a hangover is dehydration), take some pain medication, get some rest and eat some greasy food. i don't know why but it always seems to help. If you can remember while your drunk try to drink a couple of glasses of water before you pass out. It's always helped be not have much of a hangover the next day.

Tylenol and a huge glass of water before you go to bed or as soon as you wake up (then go back to sleep). A hangover is caused by dehydration.



There actually isn't any hangover cures. People say that black coffee is a hangover cure. Rest for the oxidation process (while drinking) is the only thing.

2 Advil and a glass of water before bed.
Don't drink in the first place.

Have a beer - nothing like feeding the dog that bit you! Instead, drink lots of water and take a vitamin. A greasy breakfast always seems to help too.

Best way to avoid hangover is to eat a peanut butter sandwich before you go to bed with 2 glasses of water.

prevention is the best cure. don't drink.

Lot's of water and exercise.........you'll either sweat it out or puke it out! - Good Luck (its' only Tuesday)

Take the tylenol before going to sleep. And get plenty of fluids the next day, and eat. Don't forget vitamins, alcohol steals all of your vitamin C.

Paracetamol and several glasses of water as soon as you get home before you go to sleep to avoid waking up overly dehydrated. More water when you wake up, and paracetamol if you need it. Fried food can make you feel better, but avoid coffee. Studies have shown that fresh fruit juice is a better alternative to coffee for a hangover. The natural fruit sugars will give you a small dose of energy, and will also stop the shakes if you have them.

i heard carbs are because it absorbs in the alcohol, and water of course

Follow my steps:
2 extra strength Advil liquid gels
Lots of water
Sushi, (my fave cure is a scallop roll, works like a charm for me, even makes me feel more awake somehow)

also, all the food you can get your hands on.

vitamin water, advil, and food (soup or mashed potatoes)

dont get drunk :)

Lots of water , Gatorade, toast with honey.

Here are some from a Web site:

Hangover Remedies

Most hangover "remedies" simply attend to one or more of the symptoms and don't really provide a cure as such. The hangover won't stop until the alcohol is out of your system, but here's a few things that will ease the suffering a bit:

Berocca - Puts the vitamin B back in, as well as the big glass of water it's mixed with. It's probably best to do this before you go out.

Coke - Fizz for the nausea, liquid for the dehydration, and a caffeine and sugar hit to make you feel a bit more lively.

Coffee - Same as Coke but without the bubbles to help ease the nausea. Try it with honey instead of sugar since the fructose is absorbed quicker than the sucrose in normal sugar, and it's better for you.

Ginseng - It's been noted that since caffeine is a diuretic like alcohol, it can actually make the dehydration worse, so try the herbal equivalent instead.

Vegemite On Toast - Something in your stomach is good, and salty is even better. Plus you get a Vitamin B top up. The same reasons also make peanut butter a good choice, but the oily nature might make some sensitive stomachs feel a bit yucky. If you do try try this one, skip the butter and just have dry toast.

Cold Pizza - Who knows, but it seems to work.

Asprin - Simply attends to the headache and does nothing for the level of alcohol in your system. Don't take them before you go to bed.

Bananas - Sugar in the form of fructose, and potassium, which is one of the things you lose lots of when you drink. Bananas are also a natural antacid to help with the nausea, and are high in magnesium which can help relax those pounding blood vessels causing that hangover headache. For a variety of reasons try a peanut butter, honey and banana sandwich on white bread.

Vitamin C - Another thing the alcohol takes out that you're advised to put back in as soon as possible. Orange juice, tomato, a 600mg Vitamin C tablet - doesn't matter, just do it.

A Hot Bath - The heat will sweat out the toxins that are causing all the problems. You'll feel a bit woozy at first but go with it and you'll feel better afterwards.

DONT USE TYLONAL, use exedrin, works a hell of alot better than tylonal, and drink water. sleep.

a shot of any alcoholic beverage will cure the withdrawl syptoms of a hang over

I like coffee the morning after, though it does dehydrate you but it will wake you up a little. Then lots of water. Lots of it. Sometimes I go to the gym, makes me feel a little more normal.

Pedialite. I'm not even sure that's how its spelled. The stuff they give to babies for dehydration. Also midol works well. The combination is fool proof. Pedialite replenishes your fluids, of course you have to drink a lot more than the recommended dosage, and midol treats pain and bloating. Stay away from coffee (its a diuretic, and will only dehydrate you further) and most pain killers. Alcohol thins your blood enough already, with out adding aspirin or acetaminophen. Plus if your a heavy drinker (3 or more a day) Tylenol etc. can add to serious liver problems.

This past New Years . I saw on ABC Tv. Thay had a doctor. He said to eat bacon( witch is fat) and drink Gatorade, take Tyleno. Sleep!

more booze

Hair of the dog.....A spicy bloody mary.

WATER WATER AND MORE WATER!! Your trying to rehydrate yourself. Try to drink water right before bed if you can to, it will make the hangover less extreme

water water water before bed and plenty of sleep

Not Drinking. After that, time.

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