Am I an Alcoholic?????!


Am I an Alcoholic?????

I drink about 4-6 beers during the week then on weekend i get drunk at parties. My friends say i have a problem but I'm not sure. I have been drinking like this for a year or 2 now. Am i an alcoholic???????

Jenny, my sweetheart, first of all, Congratulations on taking the time to consider wether you may be alcoholic or not. I am going to get personal here, just to give you and others who search this question some insight.

I have always known that there was something diffirent with the way that I drank. I just couldn't put a finger on it because one, I didn't have the clarity or insight of alcoholism and two because I didn't have the strength call myself alcoholic.
When I drank, I knew that I should stop after a certain point, but I just couldn't do that. It was too freaking good. It puzzled me the day after because I KNEW that I needed to stop after a while, but I really just wanted to continue. I couldn't stop drinking after I started. And after just a few months, my tolerance for alcohol increased drastically- I needed more to get that happy feeling. I would switch social groups because I was that girl that you DO NOT want to drink with. My friends started telling me that they were fed up with my behavior while I was drunk, and that I really needed help.
Please sweety, don't do down the rope any further, please go to your local health or wellness center whether it's in your community or school. I would check out where there is an AA meeting near you, this is some of the stuff that we discuss at meetings.
By the way, the only person that can classify you as alcoholic is yourself and noone can tell you that you are NOT or ARE.
Hun, I wish you the best of luck ;)
And send me an e-mail if you have any question- wether it be simple or serious, I will be so happy to help you out.

no way. i do the same.
i think ur an alcoholic when u cant live without it. so if you can stay sober over the weekend if ur not at a party and not feel terrible about it your not an alco.. well thats my opinion anyway

First off, the fact that you are on here asking total strangers is probably something you should really examine. Next the fact that you have to ask if you are an alcoholic also should be examined. Next, do you need the beers during the week and how would you be going to a party and NOT drinking? Would the thought of having a drink totally consume you? You really should go to the AA website and talk to those who are in your shoes.

Your not an alcoholic unless you can't live without the alcohol. Most people have a few drinks during the week and let go on the weekends. Just don't get out of hand or drive and all is good :-)

if you're questioning if you have a problem, chances are you either do or you're on your way there fast. especially if other people are pointing it out to you.

here's a few questions to ask yourself, and be honest. if you find yourself making excuses or trying to rationalize the reasons, you probably do have a problem.
do you feel like an alcoholic?
is it affecting your daily life (work, school, relationships)?
do you fee like you have or need to have a beer, or get wasted at parties?
how long have you been in this pattern?

here's a list of resources:

If you have to ask, I would say you do have a problem.
Why do you feel the need to get drunk every weekend?

If your friends are saying you have a problem, I'd listen to them. Try going a month without drinking. Sound impossible? Can't do it? Then yes, you sound like an alcoholic. I just hope you have sense enough not to drive when you drink.

Yes, and if you're questioning it then you need a LONG look at your drinking habits and make some changes.

The fact that you are wondering...and that people have commented to you that you may have a problem is very telling. It means if you aren't one you are on your way to being one. Here is a website with a basic test. Not 100 percent accurate. Be honest. need to get a handle on it now. Living sober is much happier than at the bottom of a bottle. :) Good luck

Unless there is a Dr on here, I am not sure if you are technically an alcoholic; however, if I told you to stop drinking for 1 week and you had any problems doing that, then I would say you need to talk to someone. Whether this be AA or another source, you may want to find out *why* you are drinking so much each night. If it is simply because you like drinks that are alcoholic, you may just need to show some restraint and maybe mature some. But yes, anyone drinking 4 to 6 beers a night and getting wasted on the weekends should look further into the situation with a professional - NOT an internet search engine... BUT I DO COMMEND YOU FOR TAKING THIS STEP!

try to give up beer during the week. test yourself. try staying home from the party. see if you can give it up.

Welcome to the club.

I believe when you question yourself like this you already know the answer. You dont seem like an alcoholic but on a path to becoming one. Follow your conscience which is probably saying to you "you are doing something wrong". Sorry for having such a preachy response,I just care about people. Good luck.

If you have to ask, better start taking a look at why you drink, and what happens when you do.

I believe so, I say this because your having 4-6 beers. Only get smashed on weekends, and try cutting 6 beers to 2.

My friends and I have this saying since we enjoying drinking. "Drinking alone is a sign of alcoholism. Friends- the difference between having a problem and having a party." I know it doesn't help, but maybe you'll get a laugh, lol.

no r u crazy my grandpa drinks way more than u do
ur fine!!

NO AND NO I drink a case of beer a day, I'm a drunk!!!! Alcoholic's go to meeting's.

How much you drink and where doen't matter as much as why you are drinking in the first place. If you are concerned stop drinking. If you find that it's hard to stop then you my have a problem. Most alchoholics are in denial, not ready to admit they might have a problem. There's nothing wrong or unhealthy about stopping for a while.

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