What do you think of the drinking age?!

Question: Should it be lower higher or is it right?

Answers: Should it be lower higher or is it right?

In europe, alcohol abuse among teens is lower because they have had access to alcohol their entire lives. Because of this, they are less likely to make a big deal about drinking and abuse alcohol. This is something to consider; when the government makes something a big deal, citizens will respond appropriately.

just right

drinking should be banned. its a shame.. and makes one look stupid.. it kills, abuses. and makes you dirty.

21 is the right age , they should also raise the cigarette age to 21, the voting age to 21 and the driving permit age should be 18 and up.

If you can go to war at 17, You should be able to drink at 17.

Just my opinion.

should be lower

Personally for me, I think its okay for teens to drink as long as they are in a parents presents who knows what they are doing. thats what i think sometimes. i Heard on the news that in Oregon they were talking about that and it was okay for kids to drink as long as they where in there home and with there parents. but then again i think 21 is the age. cause kids can be little snouts and drink behind the parents back.

I'll vote for just right. Many people at 21 still can't do it responsibly, but making it higher would exclude the ones that can. Making it younger would make many people "legal", but that doesn't mean they have what it takes. In an ideal world, people would drink when they have proved they are ready for it.

I can ask my brother in law who just got out of the army, but from what I understand, you can drink if you are under 21, you just have to do it on the base. This makes sense to me. Those that are defending their country get the right to drink, giving it to all 18-20 would be wrong as they might not be so mature.

As for raising the driving age, that might not be a bad idea, but again you are going to exclude people who should be driving. My father became bedridden when I was 14. (brain problems.) My mother needed another driver, and paid for all my driving classes as SOON as I was old enough. California law at the time said a permit had to be used for 30 days. My brothers birthday was that day, so I got my license on day 31. (I was 16.) The reason was with my dad in such bad shape, my mother needed anyone she could get to do any emergency shopping. Lucky for her, I am a good driver, and was responsible to handle driving, just like I am responsible enough to handle drinking. (for anyone wondering, I am almost 28)

Last, while some might feel this way, DRINKING alcohol is not a bad thing. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a glass or two. (or every now and then, 5 or 6 with friends.) ABUSING alcohol is an entirely different story. My dads family is full of drunks, so I am very careful to watch my alcohol intake. Yes I drink, but you aren't going to catch me spending my rent money on booze. Drinking alcohol is good, and won't send your life into a tail spin.

It should be raised to 40. THAT way- if a person STILL isn't smart enough to do it in "moderation", -they can be put away for Life- & no one would consider it much of a "loss". :)

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