I tryed a Wine Cooler and I am onley 13?!


I tryed a Wine Cooler and I am onley 13?

Well. A week ago I tryed a wine cooler, It was actualy good (Mango flavored!) is anything bad going to happen to me? It was onley like a mouth full.

Additional Details

4 weeks ago
I just didnt know what would Happen

I know I should not have done it

It was one of them stupid things that kids do

It was open, On the counter at my house

4 weeks ago
I just didnt know what would Happen

I know I should not have done it

It was one of them stupid things that kids do

It was open, On the counter at my house

No nothing bad gonna happen to you. And unlike what some of these fools are saying it is completely fine for the occasional sip of some of the lighter alchohols. It actualy does help prevent alchoholism unlike what some of the fools are saying. Just take a look at france and italy, it is pretty much a set tradition that kids your age have a small amount of wine with t occasional meal and the alcholism rates there are a lot lower than in the usa. Just dont go crazy and try drinking a full one stick with a sip and keep it to special occasions like weddings or christmas and you should be fine.

you should really stay away from alcohol until you are 21, hon.

It's been a week.
And you're still alive.

Get over the excitement already.

no ur all good

just dont get too carried away

i drink sips of my parents wine at dinner
and im fine
im also 13 dont worry about it

Well, if plants start growing out of your ears, please see a doctor right away. Remember, many people die from people not handling alcohol responsibly, especially under aged.

Avoid alcohol, at least until high school. You'll be fine, but the fact that you are thinking about alcohol makes me wonder about your future. Lay off the booze.

go buy a pregnancy test kit

your fine. I would wait till ur older to expeirment anymore. WAit till highschool or when ever u are ready but atleast wait till hs

i doubt anything bad will come it, if it was the other day. but really so many kids drink and do stupid things and it end them in a wheel chair or a grave you have your whole life to experiment why do u want to drink at 13? and where the heck did you get it at 13? if i were you i would wait tillyou were a bit older


but don't start drinking them too soon or you'll end up on the streets

alcohol is alcohol
only permanent damage can come from years (or for you 2 or 3 years) of abuse

if your mother asks, you'll grow horns and be sent to the liquor store in hell with all the other minors


That's illegal! You're going to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks, Yawners!

No, not really. A little alchohol never hurt anybody. Just don't do it again until you're 21.


No nothing will happen to you - but its illegal and its not good for a growing brain such as yours. Alcohol eats up the fat in your body including the fat in the brain. Also, the earlier that you begin to drink the higher chances that you have of becoming an alcoholic -- sorry I am sure that you won't like my answer -- but I teach alcohol awareness classes to both teens and adults... Take care of yourself -- you all are our future!!

Actually a wine cooler has more pure alcohol than a 12 oz. beer or a 4 oz. glass of wine, even more than a 1 oz. shot of whiskey... funny that the wine cooler is considered a fruity drink for women and it has the most amount of pure alcohol .. we do the math in the class and all the men freak out .. but I bet they go out and buy wine coolers!

they are like 2% alcohol so you should be fine. Just lay off of that stuff until your atleast in high school!

first of all, its ONLY....no 'e'

secondly, wine coolers are pretty much just juice. they have a very little alcohol content so even if you drank the whole thing, i doubt anything would happen to you (ie, you getting drunk). either way, you shouldnt be drinking at such a young age cause that could get you in serious trouble.

nothing bad is going to happen from a mouthful, unless your parents monitor your internet use.

but, stay away from the booze for about 8 years...maybe the amount of guilt and anxiety you are feeling will be a good lesson for you.

i drank booze for the first time when i was 13 (stolen sips of my daddy's beers as a kid notwithstanding) and i turned out ok, so i think you are fine. wine coolers taste good. please be careful. don't attach too much guilt and shame to the things you do.

kids are always looking for new experiences. there is a reason there is a drinking age: to protect you.

your lips aren't gonna fall off or anything.

don't begin a pattern of behavior that can change your entire life. make good choices. drinking is dangerous and needs to be done responsibly. being drunk does not make you cool.

i'm sure you've already been chastised for drinking...so i'm just gonna say...be careful. don't rush to grow up; it happens fast enough anyway.

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