Where is the best online place to buy REAL absinthe?!


Where is the best online place to buy REAL absinthe?

Ive found several websites and i am wondering if yall had any opinion on which is the best....have u ordered it yourself? Had good experiences? Was it true absinthe?

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4 weeks ago
PLEASE if u are going to be rude keep it to urself.....and there were tons of other questions on here about buying absinthe and such....why am i the one to attract the rude answers...GOSH....and BTW according to every resource i have searched through it is ILLEGAL to sell in the US but it is not illegal to consume it in the US

4 weeks ago
and the website i was lookin at was out of the Cezch Republic....any thoughts on that?

4 weeks ago
PLEASE if u are going to be rude keep it to urself.....and there were tons of other questions on here about buying absinthe and such....why am i the one to attract the rude answers...GOSH....and BTW according to every resource i have searched through it is ILLEGAL to sell in the US but it is not illegal to consume it in the US

4 weeks ago
and the website i was lookin at was out of the Cezch Republic....any thoughts on that?

The misinformation about absinthe in the US is unbelievable...

First, absinthe is a extraordinarily complex tasting drink and that's what makes it interesting, absinthe is not, never was and never will be hallucinogenic, it's a stupid myth perpetuated by czech producers to sell their fake absinth, because what they sell is low grade grain alcohol artififially coloured.

Second, absinthe is upt to 9 different herbs(the main ones by order of ammounts being green anis, wormwood, hyssop and melissa) distilled together with good grape alcohol in a slow process of up to 18 hours, impossbile to reproduce in some basement. This means if you soak wormwood in cheap vodka IT'S NOT ABSINTHE AND IT WILL TASTE HORRIBLE, because the plant wormwood is terribly bitter on it's own.

Third, although it is true wormwood contains thujone, in the distillation process this mollecule (that is present in very small concentrations in the plant anyway) almost disappears. Many surviving XIX century bottles were tested and they showed very low levels of thujone, that by the way it's impossible to make you hallucinate, you'd have to ingest an enourmous ammount of it to produce some effects, but the first would be death by it's toxicity...

Fourth, absinthe was forbidden in the 1910's in many countries because it posed a threat to french wine producers. These joined forces with religious anti-alcoholism associations and lobbyed against it, resulting in the famous ban.

Fifth, in some countries, England, Spain and Portugal absinthe never was banned and in Spain and Portugal is still produced to this day, although most brands are of low quality because it's very expensive and time consuming to produce real absinthe.

Sixth, NEVER burn a sugar cube into it, that's another stupid commercial gimmick invented in the early 90's by czech producers. You'll just ruin the subtle flavours of all those plants.

Seventh, drink real absinthe, preferably french or swiss, ALWAYS dilluted with ice cold water, never less than 2 parts of water to one of absinthe. As you add the water you'll notice your absinthe (that can be green or clear) will turn cloudy and milky, a signof authenticity. No czech fake can do this.

Follow this Seven commands and you'll be happy in the world of Real Absinthe...

Me. Absinthe Expert, Researcher and Drinker.

Did you seriously just ask this?

Why don't you just ask us where to buy cocaine?

Edit: Ok you want a real answer then?

Real absinthe contains wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) which has the chemical thujone. It is illegal to buy/sell/posess Absinthe which contains thujone ("real absinthe") with the intent of consumption, which you have OBVIOUSLY implied by asking about experiences with it. Yes it CAN bypass US customs by either being undetected or being unintended for human comsumption just as many research chemicals can, all of which if "intended for human consumption" are analogs of schedule I and II substances.

you can buy absinthe in canada. It is not as strong as the stuff in Amsterdam though..

first of all...it's illegal, so it doesn't matter. Secondly you just posted this question online, way to admit your illegal activities. And finally, I don't think it's even legal to buy any alchohal through the mail....there would be no way to I.D.

Tastes like ***... too much can cause liver and kidney failure. It's an infusion of wormwood and alcohol. Never personally tried it 'cept to lick finger to taste.

There are several sites in the UK where it is legal to export Absinthe. This is a legal alcohol, be sure you get one (preferably from Portugal or Spain where it has never been illegal, and been in production) that has been distilled with the wormwood, not just infused.
This does not taste good, and is strong. I have tried with the burnt sugar, and it does not help that much.

As real absinthe, containing artemisia absinthium, is illegal in the U.S., there is no 'best online place' to buy it.

You can get absinthe without the artemisia absinthium at a variety of places. It isn't 'real' absinthe, though.

Real absinthe is illegal in the U.S. since it contains thujone. However we have a substitue called absente, which is made from southern wormwood, instead of the traditional wormwood. I do not know where Absente can be purchased online, but it is sold in many liquor shops.

The only legit Absinthe I have tried (and I've tried many) is called 'The King of Spirits - Absinthe'. It is dull green, 70% alc/vol with heaps of sediment in the bottom of the bottle and tastes like crap when drunk straight.
Legally it can only have 10mg of Thujon (the active hallucinogen) per litre in most countries (Australia, UK, USA) but in Sweden it is 50mg per litre. There is also a red version but it's just food dye.
The maker of King of Spirits is a dude called Theo Vasilev. He looks almost identical to the pic of Picasso on the bottle and is a very cool guy!
I was working in a place called the Portobello Gold in London and we where one of the first places to stock it when he first re-introduced it to the UK. He used to deliver in a beaten up old combi-van with his missus Sarah. I just checked the website and it seems that I may be wrong about the legal limit of Thujon. Buying on-line seems to be at least 30% more expensive but I suppose that's the price of importing. I'd go for the greatest amount of Thujon per litre you can afford as because the normal stuff still has enough alcohol to knock you out before you start seeming the green fairy! Try www.absinthesupply.net/product... Try it caipirhina-style with a whole lime chopped and crushed with 3 big spoons of sugar and heaps of crushed ice.

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