My girlfriend drinks a half to full bottle most nights, is this hamrful?!


My girlfriend drinks a half to full bottle most nights, is this hamrful?

she drinks red wine, and has a glass here and there throughout the evening. Could this be harmful?

She doesnt get drunk, and its not every night, but i do wonder whether it harms her?

It is said that the odd glass of wine is good for your arteries...but drinking half a bottle a night doesn't seem very good for you!!

Red wine is actually good for you. Women especially. As long as She is not downing like a whole bottle of vodka I wouldn't be too worried.

One or two glasses a night is probably ok.

I believe this is on the verge of being harmful. Why not suggest that she waters her wine down a little.

dosent sound excessive can even do her good if its red wine

One a day at the most of red wine is supposed to be good for the heart!
Think you need to ask her not to drink any booze for 2weeks if she does it she is ok! If she cant get through the 2 weeks then she IS an ALCOHOLIC and NEEDS HELP!
Its a fact and the best test to find out if someone is drinkin 2 much! Good luck!

red wine is actually good for you and if she drinks in moderation then that is no harm caused

well not really it could in the long run cause some liver problems but i don't think that's wine i believe that's just beer and hard liquor

Nothing wrong with it

the question is, could she go a night without drinking any of it? if not then she has problems and yes its damaging her liver and her skin.

If we only did the stuff that was good for us,life would not be worth living anyway.

Alcohol is destroying brain cells, and kidneys. It is also a depressant. If she does this and you can put up with it, it may work out, but offspring could be genetically mutaned.

I wouldnt worry too much! my gf also drinks a couple of glasses a night most nights but I know she could go without it if she had to! I guess its just winding down after a busy day, and yeah resd wine is said toi be good for you! start worrying when she hits the harder stuff!

Alcohol is essentially a poison and has some very nasty effects on the body. By drinking nearly everyday she is not giving her liver the chance to recover and in the long term it is highly likely to cause her health problems.

All good things in moderation as the saying goes.

Women are not to drink more than 7 units of alcohol per week. That's the equivilent to 1 glass of wine a day or half a pint of beer or 1 shot of spirits. Any more than this is considered harmful. For men its double the amount. My ex husband is an alcoholic (12+ cans of super strength lager per day) so needless to say I know a little about these things! lol

if its red wine not really but you do need to have some non drinking nights 3 _4 a week to stay healthy and only have a glaas or two a night

I wouldnt have thought that drinking half a bottle of wine would be that good for you. But i'm not a health expert, ask your doctor and i'm sure he/she will be able to be of more help!!

as long as its red wine thats not harmful .....but it will be after a very long period of time if used every night

She intends to become a wine taster. Leave her alone!

no but she'll harm your pocket if you marry her

Contrary to what most people are saying Red wine is harmful it contains alcohol a poison! One glass however does have a beneficial effect for the heart. What is most worrying by what you say is that it seems to have no effect, this often indicates a bodies become used to a level of the toxin and may be a sign of alcoholism. As was said in another post see if she can do without it for an extended period.

The most recent medical research I've seen says that she's drinking the PERFECT amount of wine. You say she never does more than 1/2 bottle (which would be around 2.5 servings) and not every night. This amount is not enough to cause fatty liver or other liver damage, and it reduces her risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

I see that the members of the Women's Temperance League have already posted their knee-jerk irrationalities about how she's an alcoholic and is suffering from depression and bad complexion. Now, if she binges every week or two, or if she's consuming more than a bottle each night, then those things become a concern.

But judging from your description, it might be better for you to join her. Then on many (but not all) nights, you two can split a bottle of some fine red varietal, giving you the same health benefits and providing an additional point of contact in your relationship.

no she just know how to have fun

No, not harmful.. in fact red wine is very healthy for you. You are saying she does not drink every night so no need to worry. Although if it gets out of hand and she does start drinking every night and more than what you are saying then this would be a concern.

Half a bottle of wine, is about one wine glass if you fill it up, so no, it's not bad. Like most others said, its good for arteries, the stomach and it helps sleeping in a natural way. Healthy sleep habbits are important.

ahh, leave that girl alone and let her have her wine at the end of a hard facking day. she isn't getting drunk and it isn't every nite. i'm sure her body can take it, it isn't much.

Well depending on teh frequency every night of just 2 nights a week. basically i will put it in lamens terms my mother was just in the hospital and she has a few like 3-6 beers a day and she was in becasue her pancreas gave out on her becasue she drank too much alcohol and the doctor told her that first it willaffect your pancreas and after the pancreas is done it will go after your liver and after that well it over for ya. so see if you can at least get her to slow down to make buinge drink only once or i dont know even about 2 times a week. Half a bottle that is a lot of alcohol especially in wine.

red wine has alot of antioxidants and is actually good in moderation. Would only harm her if she is pregnant or over indulging.

No that's not going to hurt her. I average a case of beer a day. It just relaxes me

1-2 glasses of red wine a night can be good for your heart. If you drink more than 2, or get drunk on 2 then the beneficial attributes are negated by the fact you're drunk.

If she's drinking half a bottle, I'd say she's drinking too much. My wife and myself will normally get through half a bottle in one night which would come out to about 3 glasses (or 1 1/2 each) and I find that's plenty.

If you're concerned about it, see if she can go a week without drinking. If so, there's really no issue. If she can't then she might have a potential alchohol problem.

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