Why do you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18?!


Why do you think the drinking age should be lowered to 18?

because you can own a home, go to prison, get sued, and die for your country at 18...but can't have a drink. it doesn't make sense. you can do anything else & must be responsible for yourself at that age, so you should be responsible for your drinking habits as well. you can own your house, but can't drink in it.

At 18 you can join the army and get killed in the line of duty, but you can't order a beer?

That makes no sense to me.

It's 18 in the UK so I don't see why it should be any different elsewhere.

because it is the age a minor become legally responsible.

if they can die for their country and choose our nation's leaders...then they can have a drink. if the concern is that they are not mature enough, then adulthood should be raised to 21.

Maybe it should be lowered to 18 and the driving age raised to 21. That would make more sense to me. Let them experiment with alcohol and get over it before they drive. I have two teenagers driving and I wish they weren't. One of their friends perished this past fall while speeding. Kids are not ready to drive at 16, heck they are still babies.

18 is a adult age and u can make your own decisions on what to do and what not to do

I agree with Seacoaster. I think the age to drive should be raised and the age to drink legally should be lowered. In the US, we place such an importance on alcohol by making it a forbidden thing. Kids are itching to get their hands on it and tend to go overboard once they do. I think if we set a proper example of how to handle alcohol and stopped making it the centerpiece to parties and all things social, we might be able to reduce the number of kids who end up with alcohol poisoning.

I think it shouldn't be lowered to 18, especially not in America.

I have heard all the complaints/reasosn for the change: "at 18 you can vote and join the armed services, but you can't order a beer." "18 is when you graduate into real life, that deserves a drink."

America tried lowering the drinking age to 19 back in the 1970's after the Supreme Court ruled the draft was unconstitutional. What happened? Drunk driving accidents soared and rose up over 1000% percent. We don't need those statistics again.

Plus, when someone turns 18, they are still emotionally young and not fully equipped to handle the responsibility of alcohol. Granted everyone is different, but letting a freshly graduated/just got their driver's license 18 yera old grab a cocktail is just bad news.

Keep it at 21, that gives someone a few extra years to settle into their young adult role.

At 18 your legally compentent so you should be able to buy a drink.

the problem with this is that at 18 you are more likely to dirnk and drive. so what should be done is to make the penalties for dirnking and driving much harsher

first time you DUI no license for 5 years and community service mandatory minimum

second DUI no license ever and mandatory jail time of 2 years

DUI is inexcusable, get a taxi, drink at home, take turns with frinds being the DD. too many bad things happen when people drink a nd drive we should make it a very seious penalty

it should be lowered for many reasons . Firts beer sales would improve and that would lead to a better economy . Also kids would be more responsible and not drink as much every time because thay now that they can drink anytime they want .

i dont I think it should be raised to 25.

18 or 21, there's really not much of a difference between these ages so I don't feel it really matters in the long run.

What I do see as being necessary is to stop the glorification of alcohol as this is what causes most of the problems out there. A child is shown how alcohol is such an adult thing to do, how much fun people have drinking and how it's advertised all over the media. But, it's denied to them and they're told, "wait until you're older". This however just makes them want it more. Finally when they are of age, they go to the nearest bar with their friends and get totally tanked up on whatever they can get their hands on. Some of these kids will wind up dying of alcohol poisoning which is tragic, but could have been avoided.

Alcohol should be made available in a safe and controlled setting when the kids are still young. Look at France, the legal drinking age there is 16 and yet the rates of alcoholism are much lower than they are in the US. A big reason for this is that wine, beer and other drinks are simply a part of life. They're not glamourised, they're simply there.

In some states that used to be the legal age. I personally don't think there ought to be any age restriction, just my libertarian bias, but there is the point of having lowered the number of 18-20 year old drunk drivers and associated injuries and fatalities. That's on record, fact, so your feelings on the subject have to be pretty strong.

It shouldnt--and the driving age should be 21 as well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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