Does my brother drink too much??!

Question: OK, my brother drinks every day that he is off from work up to 5 beers!! He is a Correctional Ofiicer and he does not let drinking affect his work. He never drinks the days he has to work. He never drinks and drives. But, his days off, he just drinks and drinks.

Answers: OK, my brother drinks every day that he is off from work up to 5 beers!! He is a Correctional Ofiicer and he does not let drinking affect his work. He never drinks the days he has to work. He never drinks and drives. But, his days off, he just drinks and drinks.

No he doesn't drink too much, in my opinion. Plus you also have to consider his job. CO's have a hard demanding job that is pretty thankless mostly. If you had to deal with murderers and rapists all day who had nothing left to lose and wanted nothing more than to hurt you at any chance they may get, wouldn't you want a little something to take the edge off after a long hard day?

Also consider his size and weight. 5 beers may get you a bit buzzed but may not effect someone else that same way. I can easily have 5 or 6 beers with absolutely no intoxicating effects due to my size, tolerance and metabolism.

Like you said, he never drinks on days he has to work, never drinks and drives, etc. Sounds OK to me. You say on the days he has off he "just drinks and drinks" but I don't think that 5 beers or less in the course of a day is excessive at all. If anything, it sounds like he drinks a heck of a lot less than any other CO I know. If he really just "drank and drank" as you put it, he would down an 18 or 24 pack in the course of a day. Give the guy a break. He works hard at a thankless job that helps protect us from deranged criminals. If he wants to have a few beers on his day off, he should be able to. Like you said, he is very responsible when he drinks and never puts anyone elses safety at risk.

Without reading your question, I say if you have to ask then the answer is yes.
After reading your question, I say no, and you should mind your own business.

Does he drink too much? Absolutely. Does he have a problem? Not if you can control it. Sounds like he has a handle on it and is very responsible with it. If that changes, then he might have a problem.

The medically recommended units of alcohol per week is 14 for women and 21 for men.

a unit is
? pint ordinary beer, lager or cider
1 single measure of spirits
1 small glass of wine
1 measure of fortified wine, e.g. port or whisky

its simple, if you have to ask, then yes he does drink to much

if he is under control then no problem...


NO! People who are correctional officer has a lot of perssure on them.They see a lot of crazy things.I have a friend (a correctional officer) that dose the same thing.

He should have 3 alcohol free days a week.that is all.

he's fine

5 beers a day isn't that much on the weekends...

No. If it was a case a day (18-24), then there's a problem. Most long term drinkers work up a tolerance. So wail 5 beers would make you drunk and sick as a dog, 5 to him is probably a light buzz. He sounds responsible to me.

He works his *** off, let the guy have a few beers when he gets home, hes not hurting anyone by driving drunk or comming into work intoxicated, leave him alone.

You should spend less time worrying about your brother and more time worrying about yourself. Nobody likes someone who keeps poking their nose in other people's business. He does not go to work drunk. He spends his off-time drinking. No problem. Now leave him alone and try to think of reasons why your life is not perfect and work on the solutions. Good times!!!

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