Why don't I like alcohol?!

Question: I've only gotten completely smashed once in my life (Southern Comfort, never again.) So why don't I like alcohol?

I'm not fond of beer or even girly drinks. I don't like hard stuff that burns my throat. The only thing I can semi-handle is wine, which is stupid to order when I go out.

Any suggestions? Thanks ahead :)

Answers: I've only gotten completely smashed once in my life (Southern Comfort, never again.) So why don't I like alcohol?

I'm not fond of beer or even girly drinks. I don't like hard stuff that burns my throat. The only thing I can semi-handle is wine, which is stupid to order when I go out.

Any suggestions? Thanks ahead :)

The wine is not stupid when you go out, like someone else said it does make you look more sophisticated than the other crap your friends probably drink. Fruity foo foo drinks make you look young, and immature except if you are on the beach in Cancun. I believe everyone out there has a drink that is suited for them, that they will like and most people won't. Just keep looking for your drink, ask a bartender that likes his job and he will help you out. Then again it sounds like you found your drink.
Here are couple of suggestions for you:
amaretto sour, whiskey sour, midori sour, chocolate martinis (the creamy kind) do not get the clear ones, screwdrivers(if you like orange juice)

do it anyways or drink soda!

Try it alone...you will get used to it...

Good Luck!

Some people just don't like it. If you don't like the taste of grapes, chances are you won't like its taste very much.

I Honestly Dont think anyone likes the taste of alcohol they just want to get drunk its not about the tast

its not uncommon. many people dont like alcohol.

its maybe cuz ur just not into liq it may be a good thing

Be glad!!! Not having a taste for alcohol is a good thing, you're lucky, so people don't have that!

There's nothing wrong with you because you don't like alcohol & that's a good thing. I don't like it either. I tryed it years ago but didn't care for the taste. Wine is fine as long as you don't overdo it.

if you dont llike it ........dont drink it

Not alot of people actually like the taste of the alcohol, just the effects. If you are looking to get smashed, just go ahead and drink even if it's not your favorite tasting beverage in the world.

i feel ya. i hate alcohol too. it blows my mind that some people can drink beer simply because they like the taste. me, when i drink alcohol, its strictly to get drunk...and even then i have to have girly drinks. try smirnoff ice. they come in six-packs and in a lot of different flavors. i swear to you theres not a taste of alcohol in them, but they have the same level of alcohol content of beer. i swear by them!

Well its not always good to drink. Lots of peoples life problems and even death come from drinking. So don't see it as a problem, be o.k with ordering a regular coke or Pepsi when you go out.

Try drinking your wine with some type if juice like cranberry or fruit punch, it kills the taste. If you like coffee drinks then try a mudslide, you can't taste the alcohol. That is what I drink, bc I don't like alcohol taste either. If you like something sweet and NOT dry at all, try Golan Sion Creek White, I love this wine, it taste like a fruit juice.

I have found that many times we "Don't like" what can hurt us.
I didn't like booze either and still to this day..... I can out drink anyone, yet it almost cost me my life- see I'm literally allergic to certain alcohols....Crazy huh?! Its true.

So not liking it was really my body telling me NO, its not safe for you. Same with some other foods as well. kinda cool.

I never took up alcohol either because of the taste. Very disgusting. Wine also.

I think you need to keep on trying, personally I wasnt a fan of it either but then started experimenting with "girly" drinks and became a fan......I recommend a Beautiful, Cadillac, Adios, Zombie, Jolly Rancher........

Try a flavored vodka or rum. Stoli Rasberi with 7up with a touch of chambord is my favorite! Southern comfort is horrible! It is so sweet and you end up with the worst hang over ever!! Try Malibu rum and orange juice. Or maybe drinking just isnt for you!

You just don't have the enzymes for breaking the alcohol properly or just don't have the taste buds for it. If someone asks you why don't you like alcohol tell them that your buds are too hot for alcohol Lol.

Because like all drugs you first need to become addicted to it. I never got addicted and I still don't like it after many years from the first legal taste.

What's wrong with wine? Or, for that matter, what makes you think you have to order anything alcoholic, especially if you don't like it? People who drink for the sake of drinking instead of for the taste have a problem.

Alcohol does not agree with everyone. I am one of them. When I go out I have a vodka and lemon squash. I drink it slowly and 2 drinks of this last me all night and does not make me sick. Just be grateful that you will never be one of those silly drunks or even worse an alcoholic.

It is your body's natural way of telling you that alcohol is toxic. Getting drunk and drinking is not cool, and those who think it is are just trying to fit in just like everyone else and the cycle goes on. Drink a soda and simply state that you don't drink

Be thankful you are not one of those people who DO like it (too much sometimes) Some people just really don't have the taste for it. There is nothing wrong ordering a glass of wine when you go out. (not to mention, some believe there are health benefits to drinking wine in moderation) I think it actually shows more sophistication then getting a mug of beer or a shot of tequila! Your fine... enjoy your wine and don't worry about. Don't drink to please others, please yourself.

you trippin' girl, you drink the wine b/c you got class baby (or you have a mom who drinks it), ordering wine while ur out clubbin' shows sophistication , i assume you are younger b/c you think there is something wrong with ordering wine, well here's a little secret, be yourself

You're smart. Alcohol is poison and your body is telling you to stay away from it. I know a few like you that have said the same things about it. I admire them and think it's great that they stuck to not drinking all these years. And something cool that's a side effect: You will look younger longer.

Alcohol can destroy everything in the human body except one thing; your hearing. It is awful to your skin and teeth, bones and internal organs. Poison slowly does wreak havoc in the human physiology.

Stick to water and fruit juice. Your body and mind will thank you for it down the road, trust that. And you'll never have to worry about what you said or did because you were drunk.

If you get sparkling water or soda when you're out you will be fine. Don't worry about what others say or think. Take care of your body and trust what it is telling you. You are smarter by far than a huge number of people on this planet that think it's cool to drink and to do it to excess.

And this is a bad thing? So, you may be the designated driver forever - at least you'll never get arrested for DUI. You'll never kill someone driving drunk. You'll never wake up next to someone who you wouldn't even speak to sober.
Who says you have to like alcohol? If you're worried about what other people will think of you for not drinking - take pictures of your drunken friends on the next binge and see how proud of themselves they are the next day.

i hate alcohol it tastes like gasoline to me. just get water. why waste the calories?

chinese brandy

i don't like beer, when its hot, like it cold esp in summer time.
i don't like Daiquiri with crushed ice, i like it on the rocks.
i dont like any white wine, looks like sprite to me, i like red the best!
i don't like tomato with alcohol in a jacuzzi, i will become a stew!

you can order something sweet, ask your bartender, what he can give the best for you, and you don't need to finished it all... drink slow, and have water with you.

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