Do you drink alone?!

Question: Rather than go to a bar and pay lots of money, leave tips, get in arguments, etc., do you just buy some beer and drink at home watching TV?
It is cheaper that way, isn't it?

Answers: Rather than go to a bar and pay lots of money, leave tips, get in arguments, etc., do you just buy some beer and drink at home watching TV?
It is cheaper that way, isn't it?

Not really. I will sometimes have a glass of wine, but not drink after drink.

Ether way drinking is bad for you. No matter what you should not drink it does lots of bad stuff to you. If you have a addition you should check out some drinking websites. If your friends do it to you should tell them to.

almost all the time drink at home, but not necessarily alone, but on occasion

No usually with friends ... Only time I drink alone is to watch a game on the Tube !

I don't drink alcoholic beverages and I'm very proud of myself for it. I don't need them.

There's only two times that I drink..............

When I'm alone, or when I'm with someone.


Yes. When the weather permits...I sit outside with a journal and a glass of wine or beer and write whatever I want.

I rarely drink (twice per year?)

When I do have A drink, someone is always present.

I do drink alone. I'm afraid to go out alone (I'm boyfriendless) and don't want people to misinterpret I'm looking for some date/pick-up. It gets lonely sometimes but what the heck if I know I am safe inside my home.

Only once.
I treated myself to a hot bath, with all of my candles lit and a bottle of mead....mmmm so relaxing after a rough day.
But I rarely drink and when I do, most times it is with friends, it is more fun that way!

It's cheaper and you stay out of trouble but don't become a closet drinker!!!!

Actually Im drinking alone right now, whats the differance really? I always end up drinking more when I got out with ppl, and wake up broke, busted, and disgusted. Plus, I wont endanger anyone besides myself.(i.e drunk driving)

I drink alone most of the time, I go to bars it's not a money thing, I usually drink from the time I wake up in the morning, Around 7:30 am until I go to sleep or pass out around 12:00am....

i like to buy some beer and drink it at home with a bunch of friends

I hate to drink alone. Sure its cheaper to sit in front of the tube at home and drink a case of beer you bought at the store. But the term Social Drinking is named just that, because you should be able to go out for a couple of drinks with friends and family and have fun.

If you are in a bar and get into some sort of fight, maybe that's not the bar for you to go to. You should go to a bar where you can have fun, but don't need the BS drama that some bars tend to have. Look around, bar hop for that bar that you feel more relaxed and comfortable going to.
It's a night out on the town, of course you'll be spending more money having some drinks, tipping the Bartender/Waitress. But if go with a group of people, each of you buy rounds for your party.

Social Drinking is supposed to be fun.....So go out, have fun, stay safe and please never drink and drive.

only juice or soda or coffee

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