How Much and how often does one have to drink to be considered an alcoholic?!


How Much and how often does one have to drink to be considered an alcoholic?

When the "want a drink" becomes "NEED a drink". A person could only drink one per day, BUT when they can not function without it, there is an issue. When a person puts the "need a drink" before work, school, friends, family, etc etc etc. The problem begins when alcohol starts to interfer with someone's general well being, not with a certain amount.
Two cases: a guy has one or two drinks after work every day. His wife says that she does not like it, and asks him to stop. For his general well being, he stops. He is not an alcoholic. Another guy only has one or two drinks after work. His wife askes him to stop. But, he places the alcohol before his family, and continues to have that one or two drinks a night. That person, because to continue drinking is not in his well being, could be considered an alcoholic.

To quickly answer your question: it is not an AMOUT that a person must drink; it is how that drink effects thier lives that is the key factor.

Hope this helps.

I would say 1 bottle everyday and thinking you cant live without it O.o

I'm not an authority but I would say it's not the quantity or how often. I would say once it starts interfearing with your life (wife, kids, work, etc.) you're an alcoholic.

More than 3 times a week getting drunk. It's not about a beer a day or a glass of wine a day. It's about inebriating yourself in order to cope with life that makes you an alcoholic.

It does not matter how much you drink if you crave the drink then you are considered an alcoholic.

six or more drinks a day or a bottle a day considered a alcoholic.

It can vary from person to person. The website below has some good, basic info on alcoholism and how it may be diagnosed.

You are an alcoholic if alcohol interferes with the normal routine of your life or if it controls your decisions.

when you wake up in the morning and need a drink and start drinking first thing in the morning..then yeah..

Have you been reading my 360 blogs??

The amount of the intake is not the problem--The Alcoholic drinks for effect--If you are questioning this about yourself please call any AA hot line phone nmber in the phone book--These hot lines are usually manned by someone with knowledge of alcoholism or will connect you with someone who does--

I would say that an alcoholic is someone that drinks ritually. Meaning even if it's only once a week on a friday night, if you HAVE to go and can't miss your friday ritual, you'd be considered a alcoholic. You could drink once a day or just once a week, but if you can't go without then start to wonder about yourself!

I average a case of beer a day.I consider myself a drunk not an alcoholic. Alcoholic's go to meeting's.

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