Do you have to be drunk to have a hangover?!


Do you have to be drunk to have a hangover?

I'm just wondering b/c I have been drunk before but I had a sex on the beach, rum and pepsi, and a corona last night at the club and I felt sick when I woke up, I'm still tired, and I still have a headache. I didn't get drunk last night but I was almost there, but these are the symptoms I had the last time I got drunk. What do you think?

You sure can.
Alcohol dehydrates your brain tissue.
Thus causing a headache.
Next time try drinking a quart, yes 32oz. of water before you go to will help hydrate you during the night and ultimately prevent the headache.

but if you dont get much sleep or you over sleep it can have the same affect as drinking alcohol

you can totally have a hang over w/o being drunk. being drunk & being hung over are both a cause of dehydration, but there are times I don't even get buzzed, but the next morning I have a head ache. it's just because your body needs water.

Mixing alcohols can do it. So can not having enough food before or while drinking. And so can being in the sun too much (sun-drunk) or sleeping a long time (sleep-drunk). If that amount of booze should be no big deal, some of the others may apply.

technicly no, a hangover from alcohol is caused by the alcohol dehydrating the ody and is basically the same as being really dehydrated. If you didnt have any water or non alcoholic drink for a long time you could get hungover without any alcohol. Alcohol by its nature does serve to dehydrate the body so drinking does increase the possibility of a hangover, and the more you drink causes the possibility to increase.

absolutely not a hangover is your body rejuvenating itself from alcohol, because it is essentially poison. if you have had enough to soak in good you can have a hang over.

why else would you feel this way if you werent on a hang over...unless you are prego...........

yes you have to be drunk to have a hangover get up drink some coffee and some cold water and take a walk or two

its called dehydration

No not really, you actually get a hagover based on what you are drinking. The higher sugar content in the drink the worst the hangover. Hangovers are generally from your body becoming dehydrated form the alchol now when you add sugar to th mix it intensifies the dehydration. So in your into fruity drinks like daqueries or pina coladas your in trouble.

No it depends on your level of tolerance, and other factors. the headache and tiredness is just you body telling you that its removing the toxin/alcohol from your system and the ache is the damage done by it.

i tend to get hangovers when I drink liquor

Not if you STAY drunk!

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