Dose getting drunk 4-5 times per week make you an alcoholic?!


Dose getting drunk 4-5 times per week make you an alcoholic?

* U bet, it does !!!!!!!!!


Nope. An alcoholic means you deny the fact that you get drunk.

Of course not, you silly. ;P

it makes you a drunk. being an alcoholic means you are addicted to it. if you think you can't function without getting drunk then you are an alcoholic.

no.....i get drunk 9-10 times a week

if it is affecting your health, your work or school, your relationships, or you feel you 'need' to have a drink, then you could be looking at a problem. it is different for any individual.

try this Self-Assessment Test:


If you are are well on your way.

absolutely, and those that tell you otherwise are probably alcoholics themselves. just try to cut back. if you can't, you may have a real problem on your hands.

if you can't function without then you are an alcoholic.but if you do it just for the hell of it then you are a drunk.the real question is why are you doing it

I'd say you have a drinking problem but you're not necessarily an alcoholic. What you're doing is definitely not good for yourself and if I were you I'd cut down.

An easy test for alcoholism is to simply go cold turkey. Don't have a drink for a period of maybe 2 weeks. If you can make it through that without a problem and at the end you don't get totally smashed then you're not an alcoholic. If it's a problem or if you do get really drunk afterwards then I'd say you are.

No, not if your getting drunk socially. Being alcoholic means depending on alcohol. It ism however, very bad for your health, and assuming you get a hangover at least twice out of those times, it must be affecting other areas of your life!

If you drink specifically to get drunk,..and if you do it that often, odds are that you (or whomever you're referring to) has an alcohol problem (or is an "alcoholic" - a term that alcoholics fear and scoff at).

By the way, if your social life is better when you're drunk or your fun depends on you being drunk, you DO have a problem. A "drunk" and an "alcoholic" are NOT separate people.

I was there and wanted to laugh it off as some other answerers may want to do, but it only got worse. What I thought was just my liking to party turned out to be an expensive, exhausting and devastating habit for me.

It's not the alcohol, it's what we do with it. Millions drink and aren't alcoholics. Millions can enjoy themselves responsibly. I couldn't.

To anyone who thinks (knows) they aren't doing it responsibly, I wholeheartedly invite him or her to look OUTSIDE the SELF at their affect on others,.. as well as into a mirror very honestly. Your life is not your own, but it is yours to save.

For those to whom this does not apply, disregard this. For those to whom this even MAY apply, I hope you'll pardon my concern. But it is concern.

Best of luck.

I think it dose. *hic*

It depends on how drunk. You're definitely on your way.'re only an alcoholic if drinking interferes with your daily life and you have consequences but continue to drink. if you are concerned see if you can stop drinking. if you can without a problem, then you are probably ok. if not, and you want to quit, go to an aa meeting.

i think alcoholism is measure in consequences. if u drink 4-5 times a week and u still live a normal life i think ur ok. if u drink once a week and u miss work or miss school i think adjustments need to be made.

no but when your in denial and you can't hold a job then your an alcoholic

Sounds like a darn good start.

Drinking MORE than 7 days a week is not just Irresponsible, it's impossible

yes , go check a A.A meeting

DUH!!!!!!!!!!!! I would say YES when are you ever sober

Naw...just a drunk. If you work hard at it you will become like me!

nope alcoholics are quitters....we just like to party, and party hard

No. It makes you broke, hung over 2-3 times a week, and a good prospect for a DUI or worse.

NO I average a case a beer a day, I consider myself a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings

Apparently, if you can't even spell "does".......Get help...soon.

Well, if it doesn't, it's a damn good start.

You are funny, that's like asking if someone can change your mind for you. In other words, you already know the answer to your question, and that truth cannot be changed by a strangers outside oppinion. As yourself if you want to deal with the truth, now that's a harder question.

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