Drinking one bottle of wine most days have i a problem.?!

Question: In principle it shouldn't be a problem. (It's not for me)
Can you afford to drink one bottle a night? Not only financially but does it mean you don't spend time with a partner or your family? does it mean you don't function properly the next day?

If none of these are a problem then you're ok but if it's taking away from your life and relationships then yes you have a problem.

Answers: In principle it shouldn't be a problem. (It's not for me)
Can you afford to drink one bottle a night? Not only financially but does it mean you don't spend time with a partner or your family? does it mean you don't function properly the next day?

If none of these are a problem then you're ok but if it's taking away from your life and relationships then yes you have a problem.

i have a bottle a night to wind down and i dont see that i have a problem

I would say cut it down. There are studies that say its good for you, and others say it causes many diseases..

It is over the recommended amount, but if it isn't messing with you life OK.

It is when you can't go without it for a few days that you have a problem.

Been there,
Done that.

If you have to ask then obviously you don`t think it`s right but it`s your liver, have what you like

No. Thats ok ! Enjoy it !

I think a bottle is a bit much, and maybe you should try sticking with maybe just a glass a day, which can actually be considered good for you.

If you find that you are having symptoms of withdrawal, that are especially debilitating, I would talk to a doctor or a therapist to see if you really do have a problem.

if u feel that u need to drink everyday then i think u certainly have some issues....
Try breaking out of your routine

Can you do without it? If not, yes it's a problem. It certainly won't be doing you any good. That's 35 units a week. Too many. Also if you have a weigt problem, the weight will drop off if you stop drinking.
Don't you feel ill?

No, lots of us like a drink.

You may or may not have a problem, but either way, it's very bad for you to consistently drink as much as that. It's only a problem if you miss it a lot if you have a few days when you can't have it. But that's only half the story. It's unhealthy to drink more than 2 or 3 units per day, and very unhealthy to drink the amount that you say you are drinking.

No I don't think you have a problem. You're probably exceeding the so-called daily allowance, but personally I'm fed up with being told what I can and can't eat or drink and think that so long as I feel ok and I'm not hurting anyone else then it's ok. Next week they'll be saying we need more alcohol, fat,sugar in our diets anyway.

Stay healthy and enjoy your life - it's way too short. ;) x

noo i dont think u do. I worked as head chief 4 about 2 yearz and most night i had about 4 or 5 beers after work with sum m8 i worked with and i have a new job now and dont drink at all , u just get used 2 it !!

No. Sounds like you are a bit of a light weight!

you are getting close,

No I don't think you have a problem the doctors always say a drink in moderation especially wine is good for you.

Only if you are drinking it on your own!! 1 bottle a night may be a bit much but only if your small (IE less than 5"2 and 9 stone) otherwise make sure its a nice bottle( at this time of year id go for a full bodied red (Flinders realm Cabernet sauvignon for example) and enjoy it! PS you really do have a problem if you drink it with a straw or straight from the bottle.

I drink four or five beers a night minimum. I know I have a problem. If I have no beer I drink whatever is handy. I suffer from severe chest pains that I'm told are a recipe for disaster, that I should see a doctor. We know that alcohol isn't good for us in large quantities but if we enjoy it and accept the consequences, what business is it of anyone else? Unless of course we have a family relying on us to stay in good health. I am limited to what work I could do now and I like to drink to keep me from getting 'wound up.' When I eventually see a doctor and if he tells me I should stop drinking, I may or may not take his advice. I don't think you have a problem if you don't drink everyday, but if you find that you want to drink on a daily basis, then beware.

I would find that more than I can handle --- on the principle that it can't be good for you if you are hurting the next day, I would say, cut it down a bit, like maybe a bottle every two or three days.

It not really a question of how much, how often but how it affects your life.

Been there, done that.

as long as its not french lol

You shouldn't drink that much. A glass is ok.

As long as it's not every day then no, i don't think you have a problem but if you start to find yourself drinking more than 3 or 4 a week then you could be heading that way. I have around 2 - 3 per week depending on how I feel. Sometimes I don't have any but it is nice to have a couple of glasses at the end of the day to wind down with. If you find you can't function properly without the wine then maybe you do have a problem, in which case you should seek help

I drink half a bottle (have to share the bottle with hubby) most evenings with our meal (I always drink with food) Like you I've always wondered if this is too much. It probably has done some damage as it's been many years of alcohol consumption - I used to drink loads more in my 20s. I don't smoke - I eat healthily and occasionally drink more than the 1/2 when we go out - I drink loads of water daily (as you should) so bugger it you've got to die of something .... might as well enjoy my wine. I believe you are harming yourself more with cigarettes than 1/2 a bottle of white wine!

Every day may indicate a little bit of a problem but if you can go without it for a few days without any ill effects then it's probably not.

It may be a little excessive but if you enjoy it and have a generally healthy life style then who cares - it's your life and you live it how you choose.

Most people like a drink and most people who like a drink don't always stick to what we're told we can drink. Personally I think "professionals" spend to much time stamping on our lives and telling us how to live.

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