Could I be allergic to beer?!


Could I be allergic to beer?

Brief history- I am 27 years old, have never had a problem with liquor or wine, have never preferred beer but have definetly had it on occasion.

Today I drank a beer on a full stomach and had the WORSE case of gas I have ever had in my life followed by 3 urgent trips to the bathroom. I felt almost like a virus hit me.

The beer is definetly not bad as my husband has been drinking out of the same pack for several days.

Thanks for your help!

Actually unlike one of the other answerers, I think you can get very good advice on here, and there's a lot doctor's don't know, especially when it comes to allergies.

To answer your question, most beer is derived of wheat, and outside of dairy, wheat is probably the #1 or #2 most allergic food items out there, it just goes undiagnosed a lot. Beer also contains yeast, which can cause allergies, and if it's a wheat beer, it also contains gluten which many people are allergic to also.

To find out for sure, yes you could see an allergist and have them test for wheat or yeast allergies, both of which are dominant in beer. You could also do some tests yourself. For starters, try a non wheat beer, like a barley malt beer. Bard’s Tale Beer makes a few gluten free beers also.

Lastly take all wheat out of your diet for a few days, and then reintroduce it and see if you experience any headaches, redness in the face, stomach discomfort or bloating or a loss of energy. If you experience any of those, there's a good chance you have an allergy to wheat, gluten and/or yeast. You can keep trying the experiment with gluten free breads and yeast free breads.

Wheat automatically has gluten, but not yeast, but if you are allergic to yeast, then beer by it's very nature won't work for you.

Good luck!

it is definitely possible to be allergic.
I'm allergic to it, when I drink it, my lips puff and get swollen. And there is such a thing called Beer Farts.

I'm in high school, (well not really I dont want to reveal my age) and we have this person come in and talk to us about drugs. She said that its rare but some people have an allergic reaction to beer once they have to much, but it probaly wont matter since you drunk after that many beers. so yeah maybe you could be allergic

you may of had to much food in your stomach and the alcohol just didn't mix with it or you might have a bad tolerance just towards beer

i don't think u r allergic to beer maybe is something U ate that goes bad with beer. try it again with a different food.

trial and

I don't have any medical knowledge to give you an "educated" answer, but I can say that I do know of people being allergic to alcohol... not specifically beer, but alcohol in general. I would certainly contact your physician regarding it.

Go see a doctor. You won't get reliable answers here...

that sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dont know you situation but i have a friend who is allergy to beer or alcohol

you might be allergic but beer is also gross as s*it

That seems strange to me, because I am the opposite. I never have a problem drinking beer. If I drink hard liquor, I break out like crazy, I get huge red blotches all over my arms and chest. My face gets blotchy too. I feel like I am burning up!! It is terrible, and I've always said I must be allergic to hard liquior. Beer never does that to me. Strange!!

Whiskeyman's answer is good, but not totally accurate. . . .

While SOME beers do contain wheat, most do not. Usually the beer will be labeled Hefeweizen or Weiss or Wheat beer. All beers do contatin gluten and what whiskeyman said about Celiac's disease is correct. But adult onset Celiac's disease is very rare (unless your Asian, then its just pretty rare).

Its somewhat hypothetical that the bottle you drank out of could have become microbiologically infected. If it tasted at all sour that's a bad sign. This is rare though also. . . .

Odds are if it happened once, its not the beer, its someting else. Remember -- beer was invented becasue it is safer than water. So the fact you felt sick after drinking beer could be highly coincidental.

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