How do you help a parent quit drinking alcohol?!

Question: My dad has been drinking alcholoic beverages for over 5 years. I know he drinks because he said it keeps him from trouble, and helps him with his stress. My mom always is mad at him because he has three children and doesn't help her out. A couple times before he said he stopped drinking alcohol, but he kept going back to it. So please, I want to help him stop drinking alcohol.

Answers: My dad has been drinking alcholoic beverages for over 5 years. I know he drinks because he said it keeps him from trouble, and helps him with his stress. My mom always is mad at him because he has three children and doesn't help her out. A couple times before he said he stopped drinking alcohol, but he kept going back to it. So please, I want to help him stop drinking alcohol.

He drinks because the wife is always mad at him and the kids cry all the time. Alcohol is his coping mechanism. Do not take his alcohol away. Without it, he will not be able to cope and may lose control due to his high stress levels. Instead, you should offer to be his designated driver so he will not have to drive after drinking. You should also offer to be his bartender. He already does everything he can in his power to put food on the table, pay the bills, etc. Why should he have to pour his own drinks after a long day at work? Work towards a solution that keeps him in touch with his coping mechanism and not trying to pry him away from it. Imagine just how bad it would be if he was not there. Would the household be happy? Would the bills get paid? When he gets home, have a drink ready for him as he walks through the door. Good times!!!

Unfortunately, there's nothing YOU personally can do to make him quit. Just like any other addiction, the user is not going to stop using until such time as he or she decides that is what needs to happen. And THAT usually doesn't happen until they've hit rock bottom (family has left, they've been to jail a couple of times, they've lost, job, house, self-respect, etc, etc).

you don't it is their choice if they want to quit but you can tell them how you feel

i know how it fells to want to have a parent stop drinking
my dad was and probly still is a big time drinker i would
tell him that you realy care about him and you love him
to much to see him throw his life away talk it over with him
call a family metting weanever you can

Theres nothing wrong with drinking, as long as its in moderation.
You haven't said how much or how often he drinks.

I know people that have a beer every day and they are fine, then I also know people who have several beers a day and they think they are fine but are really not.

well, its hard to tell your parents what to do, and your dad may think its not your business if your a kid, but its affecting your family it is your issue. let your dad know how it makes you feel when he drinks, and that its NOT helping the family. if it gets really bad, you can always talk to a counselor at school they can force your dad to go to a rehab. good luck my mother was a drug addict and alcholoic until i was in 7th grade.

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