Drinking wine/alchohol is bad for health. Still why do people drink?!

Question: some people drink for society and culture habbit

some other people drink

*get rid of worries or getting sleep or forgetting purking incidents

*it become habbit unable to avoid or stop

*for sack od friendship and parties

* from ancient time it has been used and continuing the unger to take alchohol

*like smoking once drinking become habbit they are forced to be adict to alchohol

*entire their body , mind and their activities are focusing to get alchohol at the peak level

*we can control or divert their attention by giving some other activities forgetting alchohol in the initial stage

*even if they want to stop also some times cause problem to their nerve system taking alchohol is the only alternative to them

* drinking alchohol should be avoided for keeping body and mind healthy.

*yoga and meditation will help to overcome this problem

Answers: some people drink for society and culture habbit

some other people drink

*get rid of worries or getting sleep or forgetting purking incidents

*it become habbit unable to avoid or stop

*for sack od friendship and parties

* from ancient time it has been used and continuing the unger to take alchohol

*like smoking once drinking become habbit they are forced to be adict to alchohol

*entire their body , mind and their activities are focusing to get alchohol at the peak level

*we can control or divert their attention by giving some other activities forgetting alchohol in the initial stage

*even if they want to stop also some times cause problem to their nerve system taking alchohol is the only alternative to them

* drinking alchohol should be avoided for keeping body and mind healthy.

*yoga and meditation will help to overcome this problem

NO..they are not bad.i drink wine regularly 8 times .nothing happens to me .

it is fun. Eating fast food is bad for you, but people still do that.

it is bad but it is good taste. its like asking why people kill others or why people play games because it is addicting and it feels good. or they wanna look cool because other people are doing it

Actually having a glass of wine daily is good for the heart!! Do your research first before you ask questions like these.

The truth is a little wine is good for you. Doing anything in excess is not good for you be it sleeping, eating or even studying.

It's bad if you drink in excess which I do at times and I'm healthy as a horse and I do so b/c it tastes so good! Nothing like a hot day and cold beer or an rushed day with a glass of wine at the end of the night.

Studies indicates wine drinkers have a lower incidence of coronary heart disease.

Wine also has an effective anti-bacterial agentsagainst strains of Streptococcus.

Beneficial compounds in wine include resveratrol, polyphenols, antioxidants, and flavonoids.

because it is NOT true...

EVERYTHING IN MODERATION - do it all but do it ion moderation..... everyday.

To take the edge off...

Medical research is showing that light to moderate alcohol drinkers have a lower risk for coronary disease, decreased risk for diabetes, a lesser risk for kidney disease, decreased risk of stroke, as well as higher levels of good cholesterol. If the consumption was to get heavy though, those benefits would be negated.

'Coz girls just gotta have fun !!!!!!

Not a smart question. Done in moderation, nothing is BAD for you. Drinking beer that is high in hops is actually good for you. Hops contain an antioxidant that wards off cancer, even fights it. And 1-2 glasses of wine a night are actually good for you, even though I don't drink or care about wine. Drink hoppy beer, it's good for ya!

It tastes good and being drunk with your friends is just really fun!

Even if it was why do you care what other people are doing? Yes alcohol can cause problems if used incorrectly but it can also have benefits when used in the right way. It has been the center of culture and even religion since the beginning of time. Need I remind you that Christ drank wine at the last supper? Instead of wondering about why people consume it, wonder why you give a damn about other peoples habits.

Judge not least you want to be judged!

Actually, drinking a moderate amount of red wine is good for you. It has antioxidants in it. Guinness has iron in it, I think. So the real question is, why wouldn't you drink Guinness and red wine.

because it is addicting

cuz it's soo much fun
yeah, it's not the healthiest, but I don't really thiink about that. I live for the moment and it's fun now, so screw the consequenses
i hate wine actualy, but hard liquor is sooo good, and it's really fun to be drunk
i think smoking is way worse for your health, and i don't understand why people do it

Drinking is bad, Smoking is bad, unprotected sex is dangereous, yet people do these things because they feel a high. Anything that is controlled is ok and not harmfull, excess indulgence will harm you.


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