Is there a way to calculate the amount of alcahol i need to drink to get wasted enough?!

Question: Wasted enough that im so drunk that i walk funny, but not enough to faint.

Im 5'3, 180 pounds, and 21 years old about to go to vegas.
Im going to practice with a bottle of sake with a 16% alcahol content.

Answers: Wasted enough that im so drunk that i walk funny, but not enough to faint.

Im 5'3, 180 pounds, and 21 years old about to go to vegas.
Im going to practice with a bottle of sake with a 16% alcahol content.

Let me work on this calculation.....
Walking funny happens at .08 level, but falling down happens at .12 level. To get to .08 you need to have about 3 drinks in an hour. But if you have a fourth you'll get awful close to .12. Better to stop at the 3 drinks, then have about one per hour after that, or every time you start to walk right again. Oh, wait, forgot to factor in that after about 4, your brain starts to have trouble telling if you are walking funny or not. So you need to have 3 in the first hour, then a fourth after about an hour, then you had better stop or you will not be able to tell if you are walking right or not...

There's no real way of working it out. Your size and weight are a factor but also your personal tolerance levels and how much you have eaten.

when you're drinking make sure to eat food high in fatty content so it can absorb most of the alcohol.

Just keep drinking until you feel a little drunk. Then stop because it takes a little while for the alchohol to catch up. Once you start feeling drunk then you definately are and will get more so after a short while after you stop drinking. Thats why the police usually wait for an hour or 2 after arresting you for DWI to take a breathalizer. Your alcohol content continues to rise even after you have not been drinking.

you are missing the point of flavorful beverages

If you insist on being a Drunk, trying drinking on an empty stomach; the keep track as to how many it takes to start getting you there. Then, in the future, stop at this point; nobody likes such a drunk & you can kill innocent people out on the road & spend years behind bars. You don't need to get smashed, to enjoy yourself; you're drinking for the wrong reasons, it appears; it should be casual, for relaxation. If you have your mind set on getting that smashed, make sure you catch a cab home.

Power hour will be sure to get you drunk. Take a shot glass full of beer or whatever else once every two minutes.

Why not take a walk in the local Park, or under a Railway bridge late at night, and talk to the Drop outs and Alcoholics, and Homeless People.They will have the answer for you, and you can also see your Future better than anybody here can tell or Show You.

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