Any alcholics read thid and see if it makes any sense?!

Question: im an alcholic for 11 years, went t rehab, soba 18 months, relapsed bout 12 weeks ago, come across this, Who has trouble? Who has pain? Who fights? Who complains? Who has unnecessary bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes? it is people who drink to much wine, who try out different kinds of strong drinks. Dont stare at the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly. Later it bites like a snake with poison fangs. Your eyes will see strange sights, and your mind will be confused. You will feel dizzy as if youre in a storm on the ocean, as if youre on top of a ships sails. You will think, they hit me, but im not hurt. They beat me up,but i dont remember it. I wish i could wake up. Then i would get another drink. ring a bell t anyone, im sitting here wid a glass a cider 8 o clock in morning, thinking y y y.

Answers: im an alcholic for 11 years, went t rehab, soba 18 months, relapsed bout 12 weeks ago, come across this, Who has trouble? Who has pain? Who fights? Who complains? Who has unnecessary bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes? it is people who drink to much wine, who try out different kinds of strong drinks. Dont stare at the wine when it is red, when it sparkles in the cup, when it goes down smoothly. Later it bites like a snake with poison fangs. Your eyes will see strange sights, and your mind will be confused. You will feel dizzy as if youre in a storm on the ocean, as if youre on top of a ships sails. You will think, they hit me, but im not hurt. They beat me up,but i dont remember it. I wish i could wake up. Then i would get another drink. ring a bell t anyone, im sitting here wid a glass a cider 8 o clock in morning, thinking y y y.

That is a really poignant message, and it does make sense. I really wish you all the best and hope you can get sober again. I hope youngsters who think getting drunk is a cool thing to do read your post. Alcoholism is a very lonely illness xxxxx

oh dear thats sad

lol no .. i control my drinking ... i keep at least a 2 week gap between my drunkness

plus ... i only ever want to drink when thers nothing else to do

but i get that little poem of urs lol

And ive got a beer

but its 9:11 am here

I've been sober for almost 9 years now, and yes parts of it do make sense. Yet, other parts need less gangsta-rap-crap and a little more spell check. Get it homey? Dis Ole man of 54- don't jive with the rap-crap pack. Get on with your recovery and off the pity potty!!

First off, well done for 18 months sober. Poem is brilliant, you should think about doing more writing, maybe a journal about fighting alcoholism?
Second, you have that glass of cider because right now you need it. Think of yourself as sober and have had a blip. As soon as you are ready go sober again. You've been strong enough once, it will be easier next time. Good luck.

Its all in the mind.If we can control our mind then there should be no problem.

very true!! know the feeling well

yeah, makes perfect sense, any still drinking alcoholic will do anything, but get to the solution. rap this " AA meeting-sponsor- 12 step work." good luck, friend !

I don't really know if any of this is serious or not, but all I can tell you if it is. Start writing to take up your time instead of drinking. This is absolutely brilliant writing. Do More of it.

you have been brave enough to share ur problem with us! that's the 1st step to reality!coz u actually admitted that you know you're doing wrong!!!
try drinking more white water!!! its cheap & healthy!!!! & u can take up more on ur writing & can be able to help others in this sad situation!
am sure many alcoholics would love to come out the habit but unfortunately cant do so!!! make urself heard & thus be useful to help others in the same boat as u!!!
i heartily wish u all the best of luck!!!

excellent writing personally could not be an alcoholic because of hangovers set yourself a target in life that you have to be sober for maybe looking after animals that need you good luck

yes it does make since finish your drunk you haven't hit your bottom yet or you got to confident remember alcohol is cunning baffling power-full dont kid your self we are alcoholic for life one day at a time and you can make it

I don't know what 'thid' means and I can't be bothered reading the rest.

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