What's your favorite type of beer?!
Answers: A pint of Guinness consumed straight from the Dublin Ireland brewery is hands down the #1 beer in the world. The taste and smoothness is mouthwatering. And any beer that takes 5 minutes to pour has to be good.
Windhoek Lager
Stella Artois
As to why, well, you can't argue with taste you know :) It just taste better. And besides, Windhoek is made with the Reinheitsgebot, which assures that it doesn't contain any chemicals, impurities, etc. though that is not the deciding factor.
Red Stripe
Hooray Beer!
Cold and in my hand!
Mer De Sous (sp?), Penn Dark and Dead Guy Ale. I like darker sweeter beers though admittedly the fun picture on Dead Guy Ale is an influencing factor.:)
Sleeman Original
It goes down smooth and tastes delicious... now if only it wasn't so expensive...
budlight ,i like the taste of it ,its not bitter.
I like Ales the best, particularly the English Brown, Irish Red, and German Altbier varieties the best. They are pretty well balanced with a fair amount of complexity to them.
Boulevard Wheat...because it is mega tasty
Newcastle Brown Ale...it just goes down so smooth.
Steel Reserve 211 Lager. Because it's cheap and strong! More buzz for your buck!
Bud light on tap. If I can not get that give me a Corona in a bottle with a slice of lime.
My favorite beer is Firestone Walker. It is the best Ale I have ever had. http://www.firestonebeer.com/
Because it's free.
Second favorite: Cheap
Because it's cheap.
newcastle brown ale
smooth and delicious
Miller Lite of course. Think about it... you can drink that stuff all day and watch sports without slipping into a mild coma or blackout!
Guiness from an Irish pub at 45 degrees
Bud Light.
My favorite is Killian's Irish Red. I like darker beers for some reason. Except Guinness, it's like drinking motor oil. Blech! But it's an acquired taste, and some people love it.
Coors Light or Michelob. They both have no after taste.
ugh beer is digusting i love wine
Steel Reserve or Natural Ice, They get me were I want to be, Quicker then other Brews....