What should I call this cocktail?!
What should I call this cocktail?
Half Diet or regular Mountain Dew, quarter Blue Curacao, quarter Captain Morgan, in a tall glass, just gently shook around a little rather than stirred. (I like the bands of color blending as I drink.)
My friends and I always tease each other and suggest "Sex In the Port-O-John" for a new drink, but y'all can do better, right?
Dew me blue, captain
Captain Blue Dew
Morgan's Blue Mountain
Angry Pirate
Blue Dew
Blew my Dew
Captain blue mountain
Dew the Captain
Pirate Spit
I was going to say Under the Boardwalk. But you got some great ones. I like Captain Blue Dew,blew my dew, and dew the captain.
Blue Morning Dew
Capt. Jack Sparrow
"Lava Lamp", or "Mediterranean Skies"? My last experimental concoction had full measures of absinthe, gin, creme de menthe and angustura in it, my friends tried to pick a name but couldn't choose between "CAT Scan" and "Accident and Emergency".
Martian Hangover
A Dew Screw.