Need to help someone quit drinking she is a alchoholic please help.?!


Need to help someone quit drinking she is a alchoholic please help.?

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4 weeks ago

yes i truly love her cause shes my girlfriend isnt there a pill that i can get that when she take a drink of alchol it will make her vomit

4 weeks ago

yes i truly love her cause shes my girlfriend isnt there a pill that i can get that when she take a drink of alchol it will make her vomit

you need to confront her and get her to admit she has a problem before you can get help. Then get professional help, don't try to do it alone. Depending on the severity of the alcoholism it can be dangerous to try and stop on your own, and you will most probably be unsuccessful. Most hospitals have inpatient and outpatient programs. Be prepared for some slip ups. Some people have to hit rock bottom before they are ready to get serious about recovery. Good Luck!

Find an Alcoholic Anonymous Group and take her there.

I dunno, let's talk about this over a drink!

be their friend and try to steer them away from all bars and the beer section of a store. take them on walks and above all support them when they do. also try to talk them into talking to someone. if they do not want to quit in their heart,, they will not,, just do not give up on them and they will eventually quit. it takes a lot of patience and love.. my friend good luck to you and your friend!!!

You cannot help or get another person to stop drinking or for that matter stop doing anything.

The person themselves has to want to stop.

If they are open to suggestions for help then I would suggest energy therapy. EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a drug free way where you can learn to help yourself without having to go meetings and to therapists all the time.

EFT has had great success in helping people with various addictions, including alcohol.

You can find out more from these web sites below.

I can sympathize with you, I am currently in a similar situation. Go to the site below, and start going to meetings. Even if you never say anything, the information you can learn by attending is priceless. Also, you will have to detach your self from the situation, only offer what you can without hurting yourself, and ask that person to please go to Alcoholics Anonymous. It may just save their life. Good Luck.

The first thing I will say is that the only way an alcoholic can quit is if they truly want to. The addiction to alcohol is too powerful for them to overcome any other way. Sometimes that means you have to stand by and watch some very unpleasant things happen to that person (and don't try to make those things better for them, please). Eventually something will happen that's sufficiently uncomfortable that they'll want help and want to stop drinking. But until they reach that point for themselves, there's not a lot you can do.

Well first thing is that they have to admit they are an alchoholic . If the person does not want help or see what its doing to them unfortunately then there is not much you can do. Unless your talking about someone who is under age (child etc)

An alchoholic just doesnt stop drinking they need help and support groups.

. However AA has a support group for people who are not alcoholic's but children or spouses etc. Where they can help you and help you help your friend etc..

The EIGHT NATURAL DOCTORS will help in this and every situation. They are N.E.W.S.T.A.R.T. regimine. Good Nutrition, Exercise, W ater, Sunshine, T emperance, Air, R est, Trust in Divine power ( YOU CAN BE THAT DIVINE POEWR IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HELP THEM OUT OF THEIR STUMP. ) ask me more if you would like momre info.

That's a hard one, She has to want to stop, Otherwise nothing you try will work. Most people need to hit rock bottom or have a health issue to quit, Ask her to substitute diet soda instead of Alcohol this way she will have the motion of picking up something to drink. The first couple of weeks will be rough but it will get easier. Stay by her side and put up with her excusses. I can tell that you truly Love her. Good Luck my friend.

Yea Anabuse (sp)
but face it
My # 2 (20 years gone) has never stopped,, just had a heart attack,, MAYBE NOW ???? six months ???
Give it up... AA & all that .. they must WANT

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