Does anyone else think alcohol tastes awful?!

Question: The only things that I can drink are "alcopops" like Mike's Hard Lemonade and B and J wine coolers or really powerful stuff that gets me drunk really fast like Southern Comfort. Anything in between I just can't stand.

Answers: The only things that I can drink are "alcopops" like Mike's Hard Lemonade and B and J wine coolers or really powerful stuff that gets me drunk really fast like Southern Comfort. Anything in between I just can't stand.

I've heard some evidence that the way people taste alcohol may be genetic. There are nontasters, medium tasters, and supertasters - supertasters are very intolerant of bitter things. (And no, it doesn't make you "picky" - it's just the way some people are, you can't help it).
I don't like alcohol either. I can barely tell the difference between beer and wine. It all tastes like ethanol to me to the point that I could never stomach an entire drink of anything - it's very very unpleasant.

thats a shame/poor taste buds you have.

Beer is awful.
The powerful shiit is what taste good.

Isopropyl is nasty tasting I suppose.

Wine coolers and Mike's anything are for girly-men.

Real men drink whiskey, bourbon, rum..neat.

But if you're only a half girly man, you can try some cognac.

i don't think alcohol is nasty you have to drink the right one

are you old enough to drink?

It's an acquired taste. You either like it or you don't.

PS - Southern Comfort is cough syrup.

It is actually really nasty.
Anyone who thinks that drinking stuff like rum somehow makes them "hardcore" and manly clearly needs the drink!!

It's strong, nasty gross stuff, but it makes us all happy .. thus all is well. =)

I can't stand southern comfort.

If you don't like it, don't drink it. Your real friends won't pressure you or insult you.

Most alcohol makes me wanna puke just smelling it...I cant stand it, I can only drink chick drinks that taste like soda....or midori, the sweet stuff:)

How are you with spicy food? I've noticed my friends who can't handle spicy also dislike the taste alcoholic beverages.

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