Searching for the Ultimate Hangover Home Remedy?!


Searching for the Ultimate Hangover Home Remedy?

Obviously not drinking in the first place would be #1. But what do you recommend for the next day when you weren't so smart, got toasty and feel like hammered dog pooh?

sleep food sleep food sleep!! I am the hangover queen stay in bed

Water... lots and lots of water.

keep hydrated with water an i go back to bed


actually, before you go to bed after drinking- take (or have your DD give you) 2 excedrin. NO JOKE. you wake up happy and bouncey- no headache

Greasy foods. Oils and grease cleanse the liver, getting rid of the nasty alcohol poison, and makes your day better from then on.

Another drink. =)

bloody mary minus the vodka works every time.

Ibuprofen and greasy food. McDonald's seems to work the best for me.

Just make sure to remember to drink a nice glass of water before you go to bed after a long night of drinking. Trust me this works like a charm!

Eat two heaping tablespoons of Honey. I don't know how it works, but it got me through college.

eat plenty of food before or during drinking, you will be fine in the morning.

water is very good, since the ill fealing sometimes comes from dehidration. However, there are also toxins in alcohol that poison your body. These poisons can be washed away with water but the only true cure will come with time. Another great product is called CHASERS. its a pill you take while you are drinking and it is supposed to absorb the toxins that are in some alcohol. you are supposed to take 1 for every few drinks, but I like to take one or two in the night and the next day i usually wake up feeling pretty good.

If you can remember, drink Alka Seltzer before you go to bed, or at least once you get'll feel much better in no time. If you take it before you go to shouldn't even have a hangover

um probably pukeing my guts out and then eating greasy bacon and drinking coffee...gotta get the caffine to replace the booze.

First is water, it you sip water inbetween drinks it helps to prevent tough hangovers.

The next day is water, a few aspirin, some food that absorbs liquid ( bread, rice, etc...), no bright light, the ocassional vomit helps, and sleep .
The only true thing that always works no matter what is time.

I'm with the others, just sleep it off.

8 ounces of water every half hour!!!! Pee alot, and time. 4-5 hours and you'll be good to go!!!!! Really.

Bananas get your digestive system back in order. And Burger King food plus sleep work wonders.

No NO don't fake it out with us>
Make this your NEW routine
Go directly to the bar call the (soda jerk) bar keep
tell him/her that your a virgin pay him with a 20 and have a wonderful evening You want booze do it at home.
You know what booz tastes like If a mistake is made take it to the bar and your barkeep..
he/she is cool.

Plenty of water before you drink, and in the morning take Alka Seltzer Morning Relief you'll be bright eyed and bushy tailed before long!

If it's a hangover with a super seedy stomach, a glass of warm lemonade with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it is great. Icecream recoats your stomach and the bbubblres give you those burps that come from way way down and make you feel better.

try to drink as much water you can cause your body is dehydrated.try to drink some milk or eat cheese, helps.and say away from coffee,tea and anything that dehydrates you.and an aspirin for your headache

Hair of the dog that bit you my friend!! Though it seems silly, a drink of what ever you were drinking the night before will actually start a chemical process inside you allowing you to feel (a bit) better immediately. Followed by a couple ibuprofin (to stop that heavy metal band in your head). Your stomach is going to be a bit "off" so see if you can get some grease in you (another chemical reaction) if not head to the corner store for a medium sized Chocolate Milk. You read that right. Cold milk will ease the sick feeling while also making you feel somewhat full. The sugars in the chocolate will also give your body an energy boost to raise your sinking attitude to just below par. In other words you'll be feeling almost normal again. Consider a miserable walk in the hot summer sun or anything else that will cause serious sweating with out serious effort. This will begin your liquid exchange process where the "bad" will be pouring out while the "good" (think gatorade) will start going in. GATORADE is a hangover god. the electrolytes, salt and H2O are the perfect blend of what your body is depleted of but again, your stomach might not be ready for much when you first get up (wait is the sun setting already?). If you can remember, get huge chugs of water in you before you go to sleep! That is a definite hangover detourant. But water in the morning isn't always good for you. HUH?!? Did I just say that? Yes I did. Water (even the bottled stuff) has a decent level of natural acid in it. Under normal circumstances you'd never notice it BUT, wake up hungover and try to drink half a gallon of it and whamo, you feel worse then you did before you drank it. So again, consider the choc milk first, gatorade second then water through the evening to try to even out. Good luck, happy drinking and if you have a plane, Brazil has an over the counter hangover medication cheap! Viva Brazil!!


when you wake up early in the morning to pee, take some alieve or advil and go back to sleep for a few more hours. when you wake up, drink a coke (the caffeine gets the synapses in your brain going) and then drink a lot of water to rehydrate yourself.

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