Why after drinking like 4 beers do i have to puke?!

Question: i been drinking forever and i have always had the problem of puking after like 3 games of beer pong or any other drinking game. i drink it pretty fast but all my other friends drink the same if not more and they never puke. its not a puke from drinking too much cuz im usually not very drunk. my theory is i just got too much liquid in my stomach but i want to know if anyone else has a theory of how to stop it

Answers: i been drinking forever and i have always had the problem of puking after like 3 games of beer pong or any other drinking game. i drink it pretty fast but all my other friends drink the same if not more and they never puke. its not a puke from drinking too much cuz im usually not very drunk. my theory is i just got too much liquid in my stomach but i want to know if anyone else has a theory of how to stop it

Too much liquid in your system too quickly. Stop binge drinking like that, people die from it. Not just imbibing alcohol either, some people have died from drinking too much water to fast. It bursts the blood vessels and cells in your body. Pounding beer is stupid college frat-boy behavior. Learn to enjoy the actual drinking of the beer and stop trying to kill yourself with silly antics. Getting drunk is all good, but seriously, take your time with it. Enjoy it, and don't give in to the peer pressure of "its what my buddies do". That **** is immature.

And to the broad who said "try reading the bible", what the hell is the Lord doing turning water into wine (an alcoholic beverage if you didn't know) if he doesn't want us to drink it???? Remember, a MAN wrote the bible, the Lord himself didn't. Its all good to believe the Lord guided some person to write the bible, but if you seriously believe that then you are the most gullible b***h around. Get off that sh*t, there is a place for that.

you may be alergic to hops or some other ingredient in the beer!

because your a light weight and can't handle your beer.

because beer has alchohol and not much people drink 3 beers and puke so i think you should stop or else you will get sick from puking. Alchohol can make you do stuff you arent thinking about.. or know. But i think you should stop drinking beer and when you feel like you want to puke go for it let all the beer come out

I think you are just drinking too fast. Pace yourself slower and you should notice a difference.

im not being sarcastic or anything,,but obviosly your body knows when your about to poison yourself so it makes you vomit! just sit back,enjoy your beers and laugh at your friends man! thats what i do and i always end up as drunk as them in the end! but never get sick! try drinking guinness instead! no gas! its great! like drinking milk

Maybe your body is trying to tell you something, SLOW DOWN!!!!

It is normal, most people I drink whit, do the same, after drinking a few beers, just throw up and you will be as new again.

certain brands of beer affect me different, Rolling Rock is the worst, it makes me sick, gives me diarrhea and gives me a headache, Budweiser is the easiest beer on my body, I can get blasted drinking a 12 pack and I never get sick

Could be a sign of something serious. You ever get the same result from eating or drinking something that fast even if it's not beer?

try reading the Bible

If you know that drinking makes you puke why do you do it?And maybe your a light weight.

Try switching to a beer that has less preservatives in it. That did the trick for me.

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