Beer consumption?!


Beer consumption?

i'm writing a story and i need the amount of cans of beer it would take for someone to be drunk enough to be puking and passing out? I realize that this may be different for all types of people but if i could get a summarised number?
Obviously i don't drink, but i do realize this is a stupid question to most.

I have never been drunk enough to pass out. It normally takes 10-12 beers to get me good and drunk.

Im considered a light drinker, it usually takes me 10 or 11.

for me... a keg. a normal person... about only 50 million shots out of a 4 shot glass

I average a case of beer a day. When I'm really going for it I just can't make it to the frig so I just pass out and start drinking when I come to. I just don't puke, Wow what a waste of beer that would be.

Depends on your character...are they a drinker? first time drinker? first time drinker.. I'm guessing no more than a six pack, 4 or 5 beers?

I can drink 18 in one sitting and still walk a straight line. But on rare occasions I have puked aftr a 12 pack, not from being sick or drunk, but from being bloated. I drink lots of them and I drink them fast

Different strokes, for different folks
Some people 2-3 beers will knock
them on thier butt. Others it might
take a good deal more, maybe 10
or 12 maybe more - it depends on
the person. Me, I'm a six packer.

I usually hit the projectile vomiting stage at about 18 beers, followed soon afterward by vertigo then slipping into a light coma.

Twenty Micky's malt liquor twelve ouncers should do the trick, not that I have went for it. But I have seen my share of party's.

Though I have never tried drinking that much I am fortunate enough to have known people who have. Obviously time and a persons size,count for something but I belive the ball park number is about 10 to 20 cans of your average american beer to get to the level your talking about. The less food the person eats the better. That will help with the getting drunk part. Then again if you ate a BIG meal and drank 10-20 cans of anything you'ld be puking.

Don't be discouraged by collage kids who will say they can do two cases and it doesnt bother them. They are either lying or very disturbed.

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