What is your funniest drunken memory?!

Question: Oh so many.... Lastnight was so funny, i had a girl come up to be and say "hi my name is bec" and then kissed me right on the dance floor. It was like a scene straight out of the L word... and now i cant get her out of my head :P

Answers: Oh so many.... Lastnight was so funny, i had a girl come up to be and say "hi my name is bec" and then kissed me right on the dance floor. It was like a scene straight out of the L word... and now i cant get her out of my head :P

running down a bridge and my friend slips down and i follow after her as i was holding her hand XD

- you should've seen her face #_~

lol, when I drink, I always get the urge to run outside. I end up making an *** of myself, run outside and scream while my boyfriend chases after me. Usually I end up falling on my face, he tries to help me up, and I end up kicking him in the balls.... dunno why

mine is not funny but the first time i got drunk, i turned red as a beet. yah that is sorta funny...

telling my ex-fiance and her cousin one night outside a club "i can't see, i can't see"

then she said "open your eyes"

and i did ... then i said "oh" and went to the car

you have memories of being drunk????? oops

I got home and couldn't make it to my room and I slept under the dinning table.

Hello,,puked up corn I never ate!

Going on an overnight trip with my bosses to Portland and getting drunk at strip bar. (Exotica) Whoa! LMAO. I'm a girl.

Not quite a 'memory' - but... I was sick and drunk years ago at a college party. I got up on my soapbox (literally, I remember they gave me something to stand on) and told the audience ALL (non-pc btw) that I thought was wrong with the world. People for months were telling me how funny and true it was, but I still don't remember any of it!

i drank 6 beers 6 cans of rum and coke and 2 bottles of port and fell asleep with my foot to close to the camp fire,i remember one of my mates tackling me off my chair to wake me up because my boots were melting and starting to smoke

Not funny at the time. Puking and pooping at the same time in my date's house in the Bronx on New Year's eve 1954. Embarrassing is the word.

Naked on a ledge at Iowa State University after I got caught in the girls' dorm after hours. Locked out of my buddies window, looking for another unlocked window while I was watching campus security four floors down running around looking for me.

My bf, his friend, and I went to a party and I got really trashed. Then his friend noticed i was starting to not look so good, then when he asked me a question all I could say was "I have no idea what's going on right now." In that voice that towlie does from south park. We all laughed so hard!

The very first time I'd ever been drunk. "IT WASN'T FUNNY THEN" but looking back on it I can't help but laugh. Don't think I've gotten that drunk but maybe one or two occasions ever. A nice happy buzz is enough for me.

Puking up goldschlager down the side of my New white mercury Capri convertible --- getting up the next next afternoon wonder who gave my car the new paint job. It was speckled w/ gold flakes!

I can't remember.

I was at a party with my best friend and we were really drunk. All I remember is I woke up in the hospital. I had a broken arm and leg. I was a real mess. When my friend came to see me I ask him what happened at the party that put me in the hospital. You were really drunk and went upstairs and bet everyone at the party you could jump out the window and fly to the ground. I can't believe you let me do it. Let you do it? Hell I bet $5 you could do it.

Having a yaeger bomb... Ya put the yaeger in the res bull and skull it, trying to see who could drink it the fastest.. ... Instead I put the yaeger into my burbon with ice and was wondering why I wasnt getting any ... bourbon ended up down the front of my top...

And almost everyone at the pub was laughing at me!

My funniest drunken memory was when i woke up one morning after a good drunken sleep, to find out that i slept all night in a toilet. When I opened my eyes that morning, i thought to myself, o what a beautiful mosaic this is, and where am i, only to find out that i was in a toilet.

this just happened a over the summer...my husband's best friend (who is female) was getting married and so all of us girls decided to go out and go drinking. Anyhoo, I was drinking a spiked watermelon and admiring her brand new deck of naked and nearly naked men cards. As I went to go grab a card my hand hits my nearly full glass and goes flying right onto the soon to be bride. It was like it happened in slow motion. It completely drenched her from the left boob down and made it look as if she peed on herself and ruined her naked men cards. She then had to walk past everybody else in the restaurant to the bathroom to try to dry off.

once she came back everybody took a look at the ruined drinks and the still wet soon to be bride and busted out laughing. I get the feeling I won't live that down.

Not funny but my sister was a bartender years ago and back then the drinking age was 18. So... big sister supplied the unlimited cinnamon schnapps. That was a Friday and I did not get out of bed until Sunday night. To this day, I literally get sick and nauseated from the smell of cinnamon.

Not to sound like a party pooper but when I look back on the times I was drunk, I can't laugh about it. I was immature, obnoxious and damn lucky that I'm still alive. I guess puking and acting stupid is not a fun thing to remember but I can chuckle with the others memories.

wow so many! a group of us sneaking into our neighbors pool nude, then playing frog baseball. and then Hong Kong being in a karaoke bar singing and taking shots with some Japanese guy to a song that wasn't in English! i learned drunkenness is a universal language.

Waking up in a hospital bed after a night of drinking and learning that I survived the crash that my two friends died in.

Real ******* funny, eh?

none because I never drink any alcohol even if it's red wine

none so far...lol

one night after a night of drinking a bunch of us went out to eat and I puked right on the table as we were eating....the funniest part is that one of the guys just continued eating as if nothing had happened!

I was with a friend in Blacksburg one time, staying at a hotel. We bar crawled all day and night and ended up in the hotel bar and got completely annihilated. We couldn't figure out the keycard for the room so my buddy went to get the night manager, when they returned I was asleep against the door in the hallway. The manager picked me up and carried me into the room like a bride and put me on the bed, at which point I woke up and started yelling at him, telling him he was not my effing dad and he couldn't tell me what to do. Allegedly I peed on the minifridge later that night. Allegedly.

I was on a party nad this guy asked me to go with him somewhere cause we needed to talk and we went across the beach and there were loads of people and I slipped and pulled him down too. He was embarassed,but I was laughing my *** off......

I cannot think that far back.

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