How many glasses of wine would it take for a 14 year old to get drunk?!

Question: i am worried my cousin might be a little.....drunk

Answers: i am worried my cousin might be a little.....drunk

People who said 4 or more are rediculous. There is only about 4 1/2 glasses in a bottle. I would say tipsy would be one glass and drunk would be 2 glasses for her age. I am 31 and if i drink 4 glasses I am pretty much down for the count and I have been drinking since I was 18 yrs. old. (the legal drinking age in my state then) If she is getting even a little drunk, give her something non-alcoholic to drink and make her eat something; preferably something kind of bready.

BTW why the heck is a 14 yr. old drinking and where did they get the alcohol?

I'll say 4 or 5.

LiKE 5 6 0R 7!

Depends on body weight. But 2 glasses on a normal sized girl would make her pretty wasted. Get her some other fluids.

the real question..WHY was a 14yr old drinking wine?

it's illegal for minors to drink, why would you even ask that?!

umm prolly 2 r her if she is! i mean god...what are u giving her!

not many, dont try

Not much. Why is a 14 year old drinking?? You should stop them from drinking any more and show you care about them, rather than letting them get drunk.


That depends on the person's immune system and natural tolerance of alcohol...

It's fairly easy to tell when a person is drunk ;p

Try doing that alcohol test thing that the police do...
Stretch their arms out like a cross and make them touch their nose ;p

depends on how big a glass

ahh wow. i'd say 5, less if shes never had it ever

i'm not even going to ask!

actually..he shouldn't have ANY... the less a person weighs typically effects it...and the less you weigh the easier you can get alcohol poisening...and it can be fatal. this isn't something to play with

possibly only 1glass, it depends on age, sex, weight, alchohol tolerance and how much food she had in her system before drinking. a young teen girl in going to be more vulnerable than a 250lb 21 year old male line backer. If you even suspect she "might " be drunk then odds are yes she is. Slurred speech, unstable walking, sleepiness or acting out of character are all symptoms of being drunk.

More than three would be dangerous. For anybody, the rule of thumb is one drink per hour; more and you shouldn't drive which is probably the point at which you would also get in serious home trouble.

You should not let your 14 year old cousin drink in any regard. That's illegal in every state and if you are 16 or 18, you could be considered to be contributing to the deliquency of a minor which could even be jail time. You can't legally turn a blind eye.

It all depends on if the person ever drank before or not, how their body is conditioned against alcohol, some people get drunk easier than others. But a 14 year old shouldn't have to worry about how many glasses it would take....? Get help?

Anyone who lets a 14 yr old drink wine is a total idiot! It would not take more than 1 glass to addle a teenagers brain. Tell him/her to get real1

girl or boy? a couple should be enough regardless.

why were they drinking! its so stupid, when they wind up in the hospital cuz of an accident (and not just car accidents) or have alchole poisoning then they'll be like, hummmm maybe i shouldnt have started to drink in the first place!

maybe 5-7 also depends on da gender boys can handle more then girls

it depends on person to person.. but I'll say about 4, she or he is drunk already.. a little, I would say, 2 and a half.. but if that is her first time, then probably she just drank one glass of wine

depends on size, if under 100 pounds, your legally drunk with 1 or 2 servings (which is 5 oz). So glass size and weight are critical. Odds are if you're that young, your pours are probably more like 12 oz glasses, so 1 glass. The real issue is your cousin shouldn't be drinking at 14.

Very little. Let's just say I was not a... good... preteen when I went to Germany at that age ;) In numbers... 5-10, depends on if they've drunk before.

Depends on her, but a 14 yo girl drinking?? thats f*** stupid if yuo ask me

Is she hot?

depends on their size and metabolism.....if talking about a full campaigne goblet, their gonna feel a good buzz at half of that...most likely their gonna act drunker than they really are...but then...why in the world would you give a 14yr old wine....unless your in german exchange buddy in H.S. drank like a fish...he said since he was 12....but it's a social thing there...with dinner...not done to get drunk. best bet is to keep them in doors, out of site and quite till they sober since getting busted for one glass...unless they downed the bottle...then you're looking at some serious stuff...little folks can overload their liver with alcohol fast and die from the cant break it down fast enough....

wow ... 14?

it depends really... does she drink a lot and if she does than probably a few... if she doesn't than one or two... but she shoulndnt have been drinking in the first place

Not much

Unfortunately that would depend on how long she has been drinking and how much she drinks at a time. If it is her first couple of experiences with alcohol, then a couple glasses of wine or a couple of beers will get her drunk. If she has been drinking for any prolonged period of time, then the amount needed to get her drunk increases, due to a tolerance from the substance that starts to build up in the body.
The longer she drinks the larger the amount needed to get her drunk.
At 14 she should not be drinking at all, but trying to finish her education.
Talk with her about the dangers of alcohol abuse, and how it is real and show her how badly the disease alcoholism can ruin a person's life before it gets too late.

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