Why never just one glass? Why do we in the UK not learn to appreciate?!


Why never just one glass? Why do we in the UK not learn to appreciate?

fine wines and drink it sensibly. Instead of gulping it down why don't we savour the pleasures of good wine.

Its a medicinal drink that needs to be consumed in large quantities before during and after taking the wheel of a car. At least that what a neigbour of mine said in court after getting caught 4x over the limit. Dont be fooled by other countries, they like to gulp it down too! France funnels it down by the bucketload, Germany, Holland and Belgium all love the bottle. And South Africa and Australia are all wine alkies too.

lol OMG i know what you mean

Because a lot of us drink to get drunk and hit the town im not bothered what the wine/alcohol tastes like aslong as it does the job!

Friend of mine has the ideal glass, it holds exactly half a bottle of wine.

I can't agree more. If these guys only would know how disgusting and ludicrous they look and what a huge turn-off it is to be drunk.

I only shake my head and feel sad about the lost pride of the British.

Wot's wrong with savouring it twice?

Get drunk be happy.....sod the wine

I like real ale. Ale that has been conditioned in the cask and not pasturised like most comercial beers.
I don't consider myself to be a "ale drinker", more of an "ale appreciator". I find that 1 pint is usually enough, sometimes 2 and very very rarely 3.
3 is my absolute limit and I only have 3 if I have had a meal with the first 2. I don't go binging on 5, 6, 7 or 8 pints, it's ludicrous.

Good question and it would seem from my travels around the world that British people do indeed "Gulp" wine like it was a beer.

Not all of course.!
Different areas of the world and different cultures maybe..??

1 is never 1 glass u just go with the flow 1 leeds to 2 then to 3 and so on whats the point in only going half way in drinking you ether want to get drunk or you dont that 1 glass is the key to the next one i would never waste my money on 1 glass just to tease me i would 10 times out of 10 have at least another 5 why even drink one why dont you just save your money and go out on a night out that way u feel what you spend not if you only get 1 glass

Unfortunately there are people out there who think it's great fun to get completely wasted time and time again they just think they look amazing staggering around throwing up and basically flushing their money down the toilet!
Don't get me wrong I have done it a few times in my life and I am sure there will be the odd occasion that I will do it again but personally I don't feel the urge to go out get wasted and brag to my friends the next day about how bad I feel!!!
I prefer to have one or two glasses through out the evening with great company :O)

Because we are here to enjoy life and have fun. The majority of us work very hard, and need the time to relax and enjoy ourselves. you can't get merry on 1 glass.
Why put it in a big bottle with a short life if your not going to finish it.?

I could never 'savour' the taste of wine or any alcohol for that matter. The only way for me to drink that horrible stuff (which I can't say I drink more than maybe once or twice a year) is to gulp it down and forget about it.

I totally agree with you. Think we have to re-educate ourselves!

I hate to break it to you guys....but it's not only the Brits that waste good alcohol in a dirty toilet bowl....

It's all over....I went to a pretty upper class restaurant not so way back with a "gent"....where he proceeded to impress me with his "fine wining and dining" ....only problem is that I had one glass with my meal, while he drank pretty much the whole bottle....then proceeded to remove all contents from his stomach....just before we got back in the car.... Guess that was the good thing bout the evening...he didn't stink the car out!!!!

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