Should i drink it?!

Question: me and my friend found a bottle of "blue stuff" at the very back of her cellar, its obviously been there YEARS. its in a very old bottle with no label, its a beautiful blue colour and has something floating in it (not a dead mouse) its quite thick, its not poison, its in a cellar, should we drink it or will it kill us? (we're not too worried bout alcahol damage or s***, its all for fun, eh?)

Answers: me and my friend found a bottle of "blue stuff" at the very back of her cellar, its obviously been there YEARS. its in a very old bottle with no label, its a beautiful blue colour and has something floating in it (not a dead mouse) its quite thick, its not poison, its in a cellar, should we drink it or will it kill us? (we're not too worried bout alcahol damage or s***, its all for fun, eh?)

Here are the possibilities:

1. Anti-Freeze
2. Dish detergent
3.Laundry Detergent
4. Blue Curacao
5.Used paint thinner

Only one of these is drinkable.

If you open it, hold it away from you and fan your hand over the top toward your nose, if it smells like oranges its #4 and the thing floating inside is an orange, even then its probably not drinkable.

Best thing to do is toss it.

I wouldn't ! Could be anything....The stuff floating could be mold.

I wouldn't drink it. If you can read the lable, google it. But if it's been sitting for years---chances are it's disgusting and could possibly make you and your friend sick.

well if it's old it could have mold! if i was u i would buy another bottle of alcohol.

haha. This is funny.

There is something floating in it, but since it's not a dead mouse then it's ok? LOL
Blue stuff is usually bad for you. Especially mysterious blue stuff.
Now i'm curious what the hell could be floating inside a sealed bottle.
I would definitely NOT drink it. How do you know it's not poisonous?
If it was perfectly safe when is was new, 20 or 30 years ago, it could have spoiled by now and detroy your stomach or brain if you drink it.
Put it in a spaghetti strainer so you can see what that thing floating in it is.
It will probably stink to high heaven, so put on a mask and don't let your dog eat it either.

You found a bottle of mysterious liquid and want to know if you should drink it? The answer is hell no.

AHHHHHHHHH the mysteries.

Use your hoover on it. I wouldn't let my tongue touch it.

Are you serious? Go buy a cooler for $3 and forget about the blue stuff.

If it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger. Make sure you have some Jagermeister to chase it with in case it tastes like @$$. Good times!!!

Its probably antifreeze or paraquat both will kill you stone dead no cures if you drink it Pour it out fast!

no do not drink it. If there is not a label on it then it could be anything. Probably windex or some other household detergent.

Oh why not? Live on the edge! It'll make for a great story for your grand kids if you live.

why would you even consider drinking something you can't identify? and how do you know it's not poison? if it is stashed in a basement and appears to be old it probably means that the person that put it there didn't want to drink it either so neither should you. it's all fun and games until you find blue stuff in the basement and drink it and die! if you are really that curious as to what it is you should take it upstairs and see if it cleans the grout between your bathroom tile. just a suggestion...

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